SUBJECT: SOME MORE ON CSETI FILE: UFO3246 Sent: 20 Apr 93 20:25:21 From: David R. Stepien Topic: CSETI OK, I'll stick up for these guys. I am not sure why everyone is trashing CSETI. Has anyone seriously looked into them? I have, and have personally talked with several members, as well as Steven Greer. CSETI is an all volunteer organization consisting of several local groups, and a central group called the Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team. The latter is where the action is. RMIT members travel to UFO wave areas (on their own money), where they put into practice their protocals for interacting with the aliens. These protocals involve the use of high powered lights, playback of sounds recorded in crop circles, and directed, sequenced thought. Most of the "new age" criticism concerns this last item. Is it so hard to imagine that the aliens can pick up on human thoughts? Abduction reports consistently describe most alien communication as telepathic. I personally have talked to several UFO witnesses who have described UFO sightings in which the craft seemed to respond to their thoughts - (Gee look at that, I wish it would come closer, hey - here it comes!) I am not saying that these types of reports prove anything, but it seems premature and closed minded to absolutely rule out this possibility. Now, let's talk about CSETI's results. What happenned in Gulf Breeze is minor compared to what the group was able to achieve last summer in England, and more recently in Mexico. If you saw the Sightings episode, you heard the story of the near landing of a structured craft near the crop circle area. In Mexico, the results were even more spectacular. I talked on the phone with Greer when he had just returned from this trip. The man sounded absolutely excited. An estimated 800 foot diameter craft had responded to the groups signals, approached, and again virtually landed in clear view of them. Greer also related, rather exasperatedly, that all their video recording equipment had failed to function during this event, while other electronic equipment such as hand help audio recorders continued to work. Before everyone jumps up and says, AHA, how convenient, once again a lack of hard proof, let's look at some possible reasons for this. Is Greer, and a host of other people, lying to us to create some grand hoax. I find this difficult to believe. Consider CSETI's own theory that the aliens just do not want us to get such footage, and have the power to selectively disable our equipment at a distance. The ball is in their court, not ours. So rather than disparage these guys, I admire them. They are out there on the front lines, collecting data on UFO's first hand. It takes a bit of courage to venture out for face to face contact with these aliens, especially in view of all the horror story abduction reports. I talked to one woman who said that a carload of CSETI researchers had experienced a period of missing time on the ride back from a night of field work. As for the big $$$'s, CSETI's dues are $40 per year. If your really interested, call CSETI and talk to them first hand (704-274-5671). Or order the tape of Greer's lecture at last November's UFO Symposium in Las Vegas from Video City Productions for a whopping $10. (510-428-0202). - David Stepien ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************