SUBJECT: DENVER UFO REPORT FILE: UFO3264 To: All Message #: 2230 From: William Early Submitted: 03 Feb 93 09:15:00 Subject: Reference Msg. 2542, UFO Status: Public Received: No Group: INFO.PARANET (1) RE: Reference Msg. 2542, UFO Denver. MSGID: 1:104/422 510e2a94 Denver UFO Report Date: Jan 31st, 1993 Follow-up report on the reported UFO (unusual lights in the sky) near Denver, Colorado. Original Report titled UFODEN.TXT. At or about 16:30 hours sic [4:30 P.M.] the investigative team met near the site of the reported UFO or unusual lights in the sky. From this point South-West of Denver, at the Ken Caryl Ranch area; we proceeded to the Bradford Elementary School. This was the main spot from which Deputy M.S. reported seeing a strange ball of light that was hovering at about 800 to 1000 feet above the mountain peak about 1/2 mile away. He had pointed out the specific spot to investigators during an earlier interview. He also pointed out the other areas that he personally observed the lights from. From this first point at the Bradford Elementary School, we were able to take several daylight photographs of the area for familiarization. Then we drove around the housing additions to get a better perspective on the road structure throughout the area. Then the team retired to a restaurant to discuss the expected procedure for later that evening. The sun set, and the light started to fade at about 18:00 hours sic [6:00 P.M.]. The team members were deployed out to their respective observation points to await the hour that was listed as the time when the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office received the first calls reporting the lights in the sky. This had occurred at 19:40 hours sic [7:40 P.M.] on the date of the incident. Each observation point was manned by 2 investigators. Each team had at least 1 camera [35 MM] to take photographs. The primary team was set up at the Bradford Elementary School parking lot. At 19:40 hours sic [7:40] they photographed the, now darkened mountainside, with the houses in the foreground. This was shot with a 35 MM, SLR camera, with a 55 MM Pentax lens, and Kodacolor ASA 400 film. These photographs that were aimed at the center of the peak did not show the planet Venus in or near the frame of the photographs. The planet Venus was quite prominent in the sky at that time at night. However, it was also at a very high angle that was West and at a higher azimuth than the reported objects. At the base of the saddle between the mountain that was the focal point of the "strange lights sightings" and the next mountain South, there is a low profile house. The occupants of this house will be questioned at a later date, to see if they were aware of any "strange lights" in their area on the night of January 25th, 1993. At 20:40 hours sic [8:40 P.M.] photographs were taken from Bradford Elementary School parking lot again with the same camera and film. In this photograph, no lights were seen in the area of the mountain peak. However, it is noted that the planet Venus had now traversed low enough in its arc in the Western sky to be on the extreme top and Western edge of the photograph. The photographer might have set the camera up at an angle slightly Western of the original shot to get the planet Venus in the photograph. However, with the ambient light levels in the area, it would be extremely hard for an experienced police officer and the other witnesses to mistake the planet for a "ball of light about 1/2 mile away, about 12 feet in diameter, and ten times brighter that the street lights across from the parking lot". Follow-up Report Incident Date: Jan. 25th, 1993 Place: Metro Area South-West of Denver, Colorado. Law Enforcement Report Synopsis: The reports came in from the public at 19:42 hours sic [7:42 P.M.]. Initially one cruiser was dispatched to the scene of the incident to meet with an un-named subject (930125.02). The car was unable to find the subject right away. Officers (930125.01) proceeded into the Ken Caryl Ranch (West Ranch) area after seeing a number of un-explained lights hovering over the mountains. Described as 5 yellow lights, and 1 large bright white light. The lights disappeared from the sky for about 10 minutes. Then they reappeared. Lights appeared and disappeared several times over a period of twenty plus minutes. They disappeared the last time at about 20:30 hours sic [8:30P.M.]. Law Enforcement witnesses: Deputy R.L. (931025.03) Deputy D.F. (930125.04) Deputy R.W. (931025.05) M.S. (930125.06) Sgt. M.H. (930125.07) ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************