File Taken From Toxic Shock BBS [2o5] xxx-xxxx AoA Presents: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make your own Poison File by: Moradian/AoA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This poison will kil the victim within a week. The reason for the time delay is that the posion causes the victim to get tetanus. This process can be fatal, so be very careful in using this poison. This is an infectious poison so make sure you haven't any cut on your hands. Needed things: Horse Shit (Extracted) Human Blood (Type depends on victim) You can get horse shit from anywhere since there are mounted cops in the city everywhere nowadays. Get a SMALL quantity of shit! Unless you want to carry that crap around! How to do it: Take some horse shit put it in a test tube and put a rubber stopper on top. Once you obtain the horse shit, you must extract the necessary part of the shit. You must remove all the hay and other crap the horse might have ate. You can remove the rubber stopper and heat the shit over a light flame. The shit should start to melt and the junk is extracted out of the shit. When the shit melts, dump it on some kind of filtering system so you can remove the junk. repeat the process until most, if possible, all of the crap is removed. {}Caution{} This process can stink up your fucking house so do it outside! When the shit is extracted, you must obtain the human blood. The type is VERY important! For example: If you wanted to kill the victim, you must use the blood type which corresponds to the victim: Blood type A pos. needs an A pos. Blood in the poison. If you don't know what the intended victims blood type is, That's Ok. You can use other blood types and mix them like transfusion of blood. But the effects of the poison may be delayed or it may not be fatal. But it should do the trick. Get the extracted horse shit and mix the shit with the blood. The proportion of the blood with respect to the shit is 3 to 1, which means for every 1 oz. of shit, there must be 3 oz. of blood. Heat the mixture at a very low heat, and the mixture should start bubbling. Try not to inhale the smell. And don't heat it with a high flame, since the bacteria in the shit and the bloofd will die and the poison will become useless. Heat the test tube and stir the contents while heating to create a better mixture. When the content starts to change colors from read to brick brown or reddish-brown, then remove the mixture from the flame. Allow the poison to cool off. When the poison cools off, then you've just made one of the deadliest poisons around! Now the problem is this poison HAS to enter the victims blood stream.. So you figure that out.. I would dip a needle into the poison and then stick the fucker that you want dead. Thats just one way.. You will have to think of other ways to kill him/her off.. Devils Dungeon AoA Hq [4o4] 642-8703 Nup: DANDD Hacking/Phreaking/Anarchy/Viruses .