============================================================================== ||| Another GREAT Anarchy File! How to make things radio controlled!!!! ||| ============================================================================== Disclaimer: Why the fuck sould I disclaim anything?!? YOU'RE the one to blame when you get your damn head blown off!! Naturally, the standard safety rules aply here. Fuck you! (That's a load off my mind, as incomprehensibly vast as it might be.) Making your bombs (or lights or traps or whatever) radio controlled is rather expensive. First, you get an RC car, boat, plane, whatever you can get your evil little hands on. The frequency of that setup should be marked on it or its instructions. Its vital that you know it, so keep looking til you find it. Usually, the frequency is 49mhtz. This is bad. If you make a bomb with something like that, you will be unpleasantly suprised as the half pound block of TNT in your pocket explodes because you walked by a kid with a walkie-talkie. If you have a fancier (and more expensive) model, you are probably safe. If not, you need to change the crystals. When conducting electricity, quartz vibrates at a speed directly based on its size and shape. Man, in his questionable wisdom, has seen fit to use quartz crystals and their vibrations to regulate radio frequency. As you want to change the frequency at which your equipment sends and recieves, you will need to go to your local Radio Shack (or whatever) and buy some crystals of a frquency other than that of the orriginal crystals. This will NOT arouse suspicion, and if asked, you just say you're making a crystal radio. Fig 1 shows what these things look like. /-------------\ : : : # # # # # :<----- numbers : : / : # # # # # :<-/ size: about 1/2 in tall : : : :<---- thin aluminum case :-------------: : : : : ([{Figure 1}]) Look for something like this in both the controller and the car, and replace both of them with the ones you got at Radio Shack. The car should still work to the extent that when you push forward (or back) the rear wheels turn. They don't have to turn much. You also need to get a relay from RS, at the lowest voltage rating you can find. Then, construct the following circut to make a latching relay assembly: /------------\ ----<-- Car : relay : : :---------- /----&:---:%%%%:--&: : :wires--->:-----/ :%%%%: : :from one :--------&---:---:%%%%:---:---\ ----of the : : ^ ^ : :motors : : coil side switch:side :(throw : /----/ : :motor :--/ : :away) />:-----------------------------/ --- / --- : :to---/ : : ---batery --- :--------: ([{Figure 2}]) Basically, what all this says is that when the relay gets the power that would normally go to the motor, it closes the switch. When the switch is closed, it completes a circuit that allows the relay to keep getting power from the batteries, even when the motor is no longer getting power. You hook whatever devilish device you want up to the switch side of the relay, as shown in figure 3, where the example is a bomb, so your device starts getting power when you push forward (or backward) on the car control, and doesn't stop when you let up. ------\ /------------\ /-------------------- Relay : : + - Bomb or whatever %%%:--&:----/ Battery-->:---: /-------- %%%: : : : %%%:---:---------\ : : : Note: The battery here can be the : :---: : same one that powers the : : relay, maybe even the same \---------------------/ one that powers the car. It all depends on how long it needs to remain functional. (Not long if you're making a bomb) Radio controlled devices can be incredibly effective in Creative Mayhem. A good example would be making a setup with really long-life batteries, and wiring it into your school's alarm system. The alarms would be going off, perhaps daily, and perhaps at the same time each day. This would baffle the authorities, as once they saw the pattern, they would post a watch on every one of the alarm switches, and the alarm would still go off. With these plans, you could also modify one RC car, take off unnesecary parts to reduce weight, and attach it to another RC car, along with a bomb. Just use one controller to move the working car to some place that they (those thrice- damned COPS!) would be watching for humans, and press the other controller. WOW! Instant fried bacon! RC is just another little thing that drastically expands the damage an anarchist can do or the tricks a prankster could pull. Please do me a favor and use this knowledge in a way that contributes to the eventual overthrow of the U.S. government, especialy those dealers in drugs, child pornography, and all sorts of other atrocities, the CIA. Writen by Plasmoid ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Don't return this quality file to... 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