Asshoes have never touched a girl in their life. Assholes think 'control characters' are police in a movie. Assholes live in towns with the population thats under 500. Assholes wear 'parachute pants'. Assholes dont play sports. Assholes have never used an Illegal substance in their life. Assholes use handles that are over 3 words long. Assholes have daisy wheel printers. Assholes dont have a phone next to their computer. Assholes use their real name instead of a handle. Assholes have hours on their systems. Assholes don't own their computer. Assholes pay to get their modem installed. Assholes like Tina Turner, New Edition, Cindy Lapur, Prince, Madonna, and The Pointer Sisters. Assholes are Assholes..... Assholes Do not know what phreaking is or asks anyone whether they are or not. Assholes think that CP/M mean Afternoon in Central standard time. Assholes do not notch there disks because they are afraid they will notch into the disk. Assholes have Anti-Static mats under their chairs so they wont blow out their computer with a static surge. Assholes try to use Zoom Graphics or Print Shop on a Daisy Wheel Printer. Assholes wear pens and pencils behind their ears. Assholes wear the converse high tops that are 15 diffrent colors. Assholes do not know the word "Levis". Assholes wear NIKE shirts all the time Assholes leave hundreds of bitch messages on a BBS if the sysop doesn't have the ware he wants, even if it is older than what is up. Assholes also spend three hours leaving posts bitching at the sysop, when the sysop can boot Copy 2+ and delete them in a second. Assholes spend almost all their time either at the computer or the library. Assholes think that the guy who cracked Pac-Man must be a genious. Assholes are listening to Culture Club or Michael Jackson while they are reading this file, or even touching the computer. Assholes have speakerphones. Assholes hang up when the sysop wants to go voice because there voice is still real high. Assholes like to go to church. Assholes help their Moms food shop because they want to. Assholes write files that have to do with 100 ways to eat grapefruit, and like it. Assholes's moms make their lunch for them, and drive them to school when it is only 4 blocks away. Asshole's parents voted for Walter Mondale,and still believe what he says. Assholes get anything they want from their parents when they ask for it. Assholes Don't know what carding is. Assholes live in trailer parks. Assholes stay at the dinner table after they are done eating because they like talking to their parents about school. Assholes call single drive BBS's. Assholes should have never been born to begin with. (so Mark Anthony poof) Assholes run boards with the word "hack" in their title. when the dick running the board knows only what he learned from watching wargames Assholes change their title every week. Assholes usually get their computer from an older brother or for chirstmas Where do they come from is a very very good question. From my experence, they appearently came from Christmas, kids who got modems for a present. These kids (sometimes over 20 years old) do not know anything about what they just recieved, and immeadiatly call compuserve with their free password that came with the modem. Once on Compuserve, they go to help 75 times to find out what they are doing. After getting tired of calling compuserve for 17 days straight, they come accross a BBS number. Which is usually a board like The TAP Connection or one that is PD and sucks. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .