In case y'all forgot, Don-man babbled about Don-Man to Tal Meta on 21 Sep 92 22:51... D> Tal,babe, I just wanted to tell you that I attempted to communicate with D> you on sept. 21 for the purpose of some human interaction and some file D> swapping. I got some games and software you might be interested in and I D> wanted to see if you did also. I new at this medium so don't consider me D> a dweeb. so when I figure out how to get through to chat to you or some D> other humanoid we can do some sharing and caring. 1) I am not a "babe". 2) I could give two shits about files. 3) I could give three shits about games. 4) I am not into "human interaction". I'm asocial, and I like it that way. 5) I don't share well, and I could "care" less. --- Renegade v8-27 Beta * Origin: Bishop Monty Prays at GODNet Central 908/830-8265 (43:43/1) .