GENERIC USENET POSTING REPLY FORM --------------------------------- Dear _____________________________________________, You recent posting in ______________________________ on the subject of ________________________________ was offensive for the following reasons: (check all that apply) ___ It contained no information useful to anybody. ___ It was a bazillion lines long. ___ It contained more quoted text than new text. ___ It contained a flame. ___ It was posted to the wrong newsgroup(s). ___ It contained a blatant lie. ___ It consisted of several lines of quoted text follow by, "Me too!" ___ It contained racial slurs, ad hominem attacks, or other unjustifiable garbage. ___ It contained lines longer than 80 characters. ___ It contained an obnoxiously long .signature. Please refrain from posting messages meeting any of the above criteria in the future. The Net will be a better place for your efforts. Thank you. .