From: (Scott Sanbeg) Newsgroups: alt.bbs Subject: USENET Symbols -- The SMILEY List Message-ID: <> Date: 28 Aug 91 09:32:20 GMT Organization: Graphic Images By Design, Spokane, Washington Lines: 183 As many have asked for this... SMILE.TXT 15-Jul-89 5422 33 Keywords: ACRONYMS EMOTICONS SMILE GRIN SMIRK SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS A list of some of the mysterious acronyms much used on electronic messaging services. Also an exhaustive listing and decoding of "Emoticons," or icons of emotion, those bizarre combinations of punctuation marks that, when you tilt your head sideways, turn out to be pictures of facial expressions, and worse. Emoticon list contributed by James Bach 76555,273. File compiled by Joan Friedman 76701,145. Acronyms These acronyms are frequently used as savers of bytes and time in CIS Forum messages. CIS = Consumer Information Service (of CompuServe) RTFM = Read the, uh, Friggin' Manual PITA = Pain in the "acronym" BTW = By the way TSR = Terminate and Stay Resident program OTOH = On the other hand OTTH = On the third hand FWIW = For what it's worth RSN = Real Soon Now WYSIWYG = What you see is what you get PPN = Programmer Project Number. Ie, a CIS user's ID#. OIC = Oh, I see! IMHO = In my humble opinion [the speaker is never humble] IMCO = In my considered opinion g,d&r = grinning, ducking, and running ASAP = As soon as possible PDQ = Pretty damn quick EMOTICONS These "emoticons" [icons designating emotions] were originally uploaded to the IBMCOM Forum, DL6, in the files E-ICON.ARC and ICON2.ARC, and are posted here with the permission of the author, James Bach 76555,273. EMOTICON.1 To help telecom-sters clarify just how humorous their postings are intended to be, here is a collection of the many faces of humor, emoticon-style. emoticon: n. a figure created with the symbols on a keyboard that is read with the head tilted to the left. Used to convey the spirit in which a line of text was typed. **************************************************************** * * * Tilt your head slightly to the left to read the following * * emoticons. * * * **************************************************************** :-) Humor :-) )-: Masking theatrical comments :<) For those with hairy lips :<)= For those with beards too :/) Not funny '-) Wink P-) Pirate ;-) Sardonic incredulity (@ @) You're kidding! :-" Pursing lips :-v Just another face (speaking) profiled from the side :-V Shout :-w Speak with forked tongue :-W Shout with forked tongue :-r Bleahhh (sticking tongue out) :-f :-p :-1 Smirks :-, <:-O Eeek! :-* Oooops (covering mouth with hand) :-T keeping a straight face (tight-lipped) :-D said with a smile :-P :-y :-o More versions of shouting :-{ Count Dracula =|:-)= Uncle Sam 7:) Reagan :-# Censored :~i Smoking :~j (and smiling) :/i No smoking :-I It's something, but I don't know what.... :-x Kiss kiss :-> Alternate happy face :-( Unhappy :-c Real unhappy :-C Unbelieving (jaw dropped) :-< Forlorn :-B Drooling (or overbite) :-| Disgusted :-? Licking your lips <:>== A turkey emoticon :-) :-) :-) Loud guffaw :-J Tongue-in-cheek comments :*) Clowning around :-8 Talking out both sides of your mouth (:-) Msgs dealing with bicycle helmets @= Warning about nuclear war <:-) For dumb questions o= A burning candle for flames -= A doused candle to end a flame OO Headlights on msg :_) I used to be a boxer, but it really got my nose out of joint **************************************************************** EMOTICON.2 Awhile ago, I posted a set of emoticons, those little faces denoting various forms of humor. After browsing an internal bboard, I found even more emoticons - so here is Part II..... B-) Smiling and wearing glasses or sunglasses (or a message from Batman) 8-) Same as previous; also used to denote wide-eyed look #:-) :-) done by someone with sort of matted hair :-o "Oh, nooooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill) #:-o Same as previous |-( Late night messages :^) Messages teasing people about their noses :-{#} Messages teasing people about their braces (:-$ Message indicating person is ill... (:-& Message indicating person is angry... (:-( Message indicating person is VERY sad... (:^( Message concerning people with broken noses (:<) Message concerning blabber mouths :-(=) Message about people with big teeth &:-) Message from a person with curly hair @:-) Message from a person with wavy hair ?-( Message about people with a black eye *:* Message about fuzzy things *:** Message about fuzzy things with fuzzy mustaches %-) Message about people with broken glasses +<:-| Message from a monk/nun... {0-) Message from cyclops... (:-|K- Formal message. ....---... S.O.S. @%&$%& You know what that means... ||*( Handshake offered ||*) Handshake accepted <&&> Message concerning rubber chickens >< >< Message about/to someone wearing argyle socks 2B|^2B Message about Shakespeare (-_-) Secret smile <{:-)} Message in a bottle... <:-)<<| Message from a space rocket... (:-... Heart-breaking message... <<<<(:-) Message from a hat sales-man... (O--< A fishy message... (:>-< Message from a thief: hands up! --->---- A rose. ------------------------------------------------------------- .