====================================== GEEKS AND NERDS. AN INFORMATIVE FILE BY: THE DATA BLITZ 11/20/84 ====================================== I'm quite sure that everyone has heard of the two terms ''GEEK'' and ''NERD''. However, I'm almost totally positive that nearly no one knows the difference between the two. I say this because there is a major difference. A geek is a person (almost always male) that seems to be weird, or different from others due to extreme unsocialness, or due to his (or her) occupation. In other words, a geek is person that was normal at some point, but through a developing greater interest in his (or her) occupation or hobby, and unsocialness he (or she) becomes different from others, or also weird. Now, a nerd is a person that is BORN with the qualities of a geek, but to the mega- extreme. This meaning, that the nerd is born weird, and just gets more weird. (A good comparison of nerd is a terd. If you think about it, doesn't a terd smell bad at first, and as it gets older, it gets moreso?) Now, almost all computer buffs are termed as ''NERDS''. But, unless you are a nerd, (those of you that are, know who you are) if someone labels you as a ''NERD'' and you aren't, simply tell them you are a geek, not a 'NERD'. I hope I was able to clear up this slight discrepancy. >> THE DATA BLITZ <<  .