THERE ARE RULES FOR DRIVING A COMPUTER, TOO Everyone knows that the rules of the road have to be taken seriously. So do the rules for using a computer. Two of those rules are basic: Everyone who uses a computer has a responsibilty for the security of the information in that machine. No one who uses a computer has the right to violate anyone else's security. To help people keep those rules, we at IBM have developed a wide range of security systems, from key locks to encryption devices. But good security requires something from everyone involved with information systems. Both the suppliers and users of computers, software and telecommunications have a responsibility to help ensure that such information systems are used conscientiously, and with the understanding that other people depend on these systems too. Because when it comes to keeping information secure, each one of us is in the drivers seat. IBM The above is an actual IBM advertisment. Comment 1: We should all have our licenses revoked! Comment 2: Are they talking about us? I thought that all the people involved with: Computers (Hackers), software (Pirates) and telecommunication (Phreaks), would get a kick out of this ad.  .