******* EPISODE # 5 ******* ***** THE ADVENTURES OF MOLLY MODEM ***** In our last adventure we left Molly in a real cliff hanger. A four knot ebb current was sweeping our heroine out the Juan de Fuca strait! Will she be rescued before hypothermia takes it's toll? Read on! Molly would soon have been crossing the River Styx if the strong arms of Mark Shippes had not pulled her from a briny grave. Mark was heading off on the start of a voyage many years in the planning. In his early twenties Mark had bought a small sail boat and spent many tranquil days cruising the Gulf Islands and Georgia Strait. In those days the South Pacific was but a far away dream. Seven years and a broken marriage later Mark had at last sailed away from port. Now he was captain and owner of a good sized ocean cruising vessel. The SEA MOSS as he had named her was forty feet long from transom to tip of bowsprit and the product of his own hands. Mark had been beating back and forth directly into the strong westerly blowing in from the Pacific when he spotted the strange looking object in the water. At the time it had looked like a long stranded yacht mop some unfortunate sailor had lost. Upon getting closer Mark had a shock upon finding the mop was really a person with long blond hair! Mark who was a very skilled mariner quickly hove to and allowed the current to bring the SEA MOSS alongside the person in the water. In moments he had dragged the young woman over the rail into the cockpit. Molly started gaining consciousness as she felt herself being grabbed and pulled over a hard surface. She could not speak but felt better when she saw the smiling yellow clad figure standing above her. In a few moments Mark had the jib and staysail sheeted in on the other tack and the cutter was gaining speed away from the rocks. The self steering vane insured they held a steady course towards the distant Olympic Mountains. Mark now turned his attention to a very soggy Molly Modem. He helped support her as they half climbed half fell down the companionway ladder. Molly was soon out of most of her wet things and wrapped in a warm woolen blanket. After throwing Molly a pile of dry towels from one of the lockers Mark proceeded to light the galley stove. In no more than a few minutes the kettle was singing and strong tea was brewing. Mark filled two large cups, adding a heaping spoon of honey to each. One he thrust into Molly's chilled fingers the other he took himself. "What happened did you fall off a boat? You were almost a goner back there! Is there someone I should contact on the VHF radio? The Coast Guard perhaps?" "No please don't call anyone or take me back to shore" Molly pleaded. The hot tea was beginning to take effect, Molly was hardly shivering at all now. Trying to remain as calm as possible Molly explained to the captain of the SEA MOSS that she had jumped from the breakwater to avoid being murdered. For safety sake it would be best if Baud Job and Doctor Node assumed that Molly had perished, and the 80666 was in Davey Jone's locker! Mark Shippes assured Molly that there would be no problem staying onboard the SEA MOSS until it was safe to return to Victoria. Mark explained that his plans were to sail out the straits past Tatoosh rocks then turn left for San Francisco. Seven or eight days later the SEA MOSS would be tied up at one of the marinas in Sasalito. After checking in and replenishing supplies a leisurely cruise south to Mexico would be the order of the day. Molly quickly signed on as crew member for the trip to California. Mark found some dry things and an old pair of sea boots that Molly could use for the next few days. He then excused himself and climbed up to the cockpit to check for the possible presence of any shipping on a collision course. Molly found that with an extra pair of socks the sea boots were not too bad a fit. An hour later Molly emerged from the warm cabin. her baggy clothes were not attractive but she was ready to help sail the boat. Mark called "READY ABOUT!" and put the helm down. As the boat came through the eye of the wind Molly got ready to handle the starboard sheets. In a moment they were on port tack heading back towards the Canadian shore. Although she had never done any open ocean sailing Molly was not unskilled aboard small craft. She soon found that she was experienced enough to handle SEA MOSS for hours at a time while Mark was below checking charts or napping. The next morning the SEA MOSS cleared the straits and took a more Southerly course. They were now broad reaching with a fifteen knot breeze, ideal sailing conditions. Now that her own safety seemed more certain Molly's thoughts returned to the problem of VonCriptic. If only she could get a confidential message through to Farwest! That afternoon Molly mentioned that what she really needed was a way to phone Farwest and leave a message. Mark's reply of "Oh are you one of those computer nuts!" made her raise her eyebrows! With a laugh Mark took her below and opened a teak panel beside the chart table. Inside was a collection of very exotic looking ham radio gear. What immediately caught Molly's eye was the small laptop computer with twin disk drives. Mark then explained how he had in the past often used Farwest to pass messages and search for new software. He went on to tell how it was possible to relay messages using packet radio transmission, just like over the phone lines! Mark searched in a drawer for a blank floppy . Soon Molly was typing away on a message to Ren of Farwest. She filled him in on what had happened with Doctor Node and Baud Job and that the 80666 was safe. She also passed on the location of her spare apartment key and when they expected to reach San Francisco. That evening Mark switched on the radio gear and the computer. He tapped a few keys and slowly tuned around the bottom of the twenty meter band. Suddenly a strange sound came from the speaker. Brrrrap Brrrrap......Brap! After throwing a few switches a message started scrolling across the display screen. "HELLO MARK, HOW IS THE BOAT GOING TONIGHT? YOUR SIGNAL 5&9 NOT MUCH QRM. VE0TSR DE VE7GCT K." Molly could hardly believe her eyes, this was just like chat mode back on Farwest bulletin board. Mark quickly typed in a few lines to send back to the other ham radio operator. "GOOD EVENING GLENN. WINDS PERFECT, MAKING 7 KNOTS COURSE 194 TRUE. QTH 46.23N 126.40W. HAVE CREW MEMBER WHO HAS TRAFFIC FOR FARWEST BBS. CAN YOU RELAY MESSAGE? VE7GCT DE VE0TSR K." In a moment an affirmative reply came back and Molly's message was sent on it's way. A schedule was arranged for the next evening so that any message from Ren could be transmitted back to the SEA MOSS. The next evening Ren's reply was zapping over the radio. "GOOD TO HEAR YOU ARE OK. YOUR APARTMENT TORN APART BUT BEAST STILL THERE. DR.NODE AND BAUD JOB REPORTED TO HAVE CAUGHT FLIGHT FOR HONG KONG. VONCRIPTIC STILL A PROBLEM! REGARDS REN." Molly heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank God that pair from Macau had left Victoria!" She had a feeling that she had not seen the last of those two. The next few days passed quickly by. The two sailors took their turns standing watches and cooking meals. Molly learned how to use a sextant and plot lines of position. Before they knew it the miles had added up and they were off Point Reyes heading for the Golden Gate bridge. The SEA MOSS raced under the sweeping arch into San Francisco Bay. In a short time the sails were neatly furled and they were motoring up to the customs dock in Sausalito. An hour later after filling many forms they were free to wander ashore. The first thing the two sailors did was to find hot showers and wash away the weeks accumulation of salt. Later after a huge sea food lunch Molly called the air line office to book a flight back to Victoria. It was going to be very difficult saying good bye to Mark Shippes and the SEA MOSS! The next morning found Molly with a tear in her eye as she wished Mark "smooth seas and fair winds", and caught a cab to the airport. An hour later at thirty thousand feet Molly was mulling over the events of the last two weeks. Has Farwest been been attacked by VonCriptic? Would Doctor Node and Baud Job return to Victoria? Would the 80666 still operate? Would Mark Shippes invite her to cruise the South seas????????????? "Fasten your seat belts please!!!" Molly's flight was now making it's final approach to Victoria International Airport. ..........To be continued. Will the big battle with VonCriptic come in the next episode? And if so who will win? Will Ren get all the door time-outs fixed? For the answers to these and many more questions stay tuned for episode #6 of the ADVENTURES OF MOLLY MODEM. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .