EPISODE #7 THE ADVENTURES OF MOLLY MODEM In our last episode Ren and Michael the sysops of FARWEST BBS have mysteriously disappeared. Worried that foul play might be involved Molly has hired Sam Slick private investigator. We left our heroine in the company of Sam Slick searching for clues at the FARWEST premises. The search had turned up blood stains and a business card from the Gamma Communications Corporation. Slick was about to dial the phone number of Gamma Communications. Detective Sam Slick turned his back to Molly and picked up the telephone handset. Slowly he dialed the number on the business card. "Da numbers no longer in service! Guess it was nothing. Why don't ya call me in a couple of days and we'll see whats turned up." Molly quickly agreed. Her mind was having a hard time keeping things straight. Molly left detective Slick and drove back to her apartment on Dallas Road. What was very odd was the fact that while Slick was dialing Gamma Communications, Molly noticed his thumb was holding down the cradle. Why would he do that? Could he be trusted? Something about this guy was not quite on the level. Gamma Communications certainly needed investigating. Molly was certain it held the key to the disapearance of her friends. But this time she would have to be more careful. It would be stupid to fall into another trap like the one Dr. Node and Baud Job had set for her! Brains had their place but Molly decided that the next time she tangled with the likes of Baud Job, she would be armed! The question was where on Vancouver Island could she get a gun? Molly wondered if she dared contact Ben Molsson. What was there to loose? A year earlier Molly had met Ben at a computing seminar they were both attending. The topic of the seminar was computer analysis of military systems. Ben was very shy and somewhat secretive. He only opened up when Molly mentioned she had once traveled through Asia, briefly stopping in Afghanistan. In the end Ben confided that he was supplying arms to the Mujahadin in the Eastern part of Afghanistan. Many of his friends in the Hindu Kush had been slaughtered by the Russians. Ben had a cabin near the end of an abandoned logging road. This was the base for what he claimed was a survival school. If anyone could come up with a gun it would be Ben Molsson. This was a step in a new and frightening direction for Molly. Was she turning into a female RAM-BEAU? The next day Molly packed a lunch and dug out an old topographical map. Four hours and several wrong turns later she came to a gate covered with large crudely painted signs. "DANGER BLASTING"...... "VICIOUS DOGS"...... "KEEP OUT"!!!!!! After opening the gate Molly drove through. Her palms were sweating as she got out and closed the gate. Another mile up the track she came to a cabin set back in the trees. There was another sign nailed to the front porch. "MOLSSON SURVIVAL SCHOOL". This was it! A dog suddenly started barking. Moments later a heavy set bearded man came out of the cabin. "SHUT UP! PEEDY" he yelled striding over to Mollys car. The frown on his face faded and was replaced with a smile. "Holy Spit! Didn't think I would ever see you again. Come in. Have a beer." Molly got out of the car. By this time "Peedy" a large PitBull terrier was sniffing her leg. "Don't worry he won't bother you so long as I'm around." As they walked towards the cabin Ben recited a little rhyme. "Peedy the PitBull terrier is full of fun and laughs. Just don't turn your back on him or he'll rip off both your calves!" Inside the cabin was snug and comfortable. The floor was covered with several oriental carpets and an old bank safe sat in the corner. Ben waved Molly to a chair while he went to get the beer from the refrigerator. A moment later he returned with four cold cans of Fosters. He handed one to Molly and opened one himself. "So what can I do for you Molly? You didn't come all the way up here just to drink my beer?" Molly bit her tongue. It was hard knowing where to start. At last she blurted out "Some of my friends are in great danger and I've got to try and help them." Molly then told Ben the whole story from the beginning.... The stolen passwords, the BEAST, Farwest, Doctor Node, Baud Job and finally Sam Slick. Not one detail was omitted. Finally she said "Now you know why I want to borrow a GUN." "Sure Molly. I can see why don't want to meet those characters in a dark alley with nothing but your bare hands. I got a bit of hardware around. What did you have in mind? You much of a shot with a handgun?" Molly confessed that although she could handle a rifle a sidearm would tax her marksmanship. "Know what you mean. I got just the baby for you." Ben walked over to the safe and spun the dial. With a grinding noise the door swung open. He removed a bundle of oily rag. Unwrapping the bundle he revealed a weapon Molly had only seen in TV movies. "Nine m.m. UZI! Nothing like it for fire power." Ben then showed Molly the correct way to load the magazines and how the safety and change lever for fully automatic worked. "Just remember to use short bursts, it's like using an HST modem for the first time. AWESOME!!!" "I've got a couple of other goodies here that may come in handy." Ben reached into the back of the safe and brought out a plastic egg carton. "Ben's eggs are a hot item in Landi Kotal. The Khyber kids love to get their hands on these!" Molly looked inside the open egg carton. There were three pale blue eggs, six yellow eggs and two black ones. "Easter is a long ways away yet Ben , and I'm not much for candy" joked Molly. Ben smiled and picked up one of the blue eggs. He gave a little twist and the egg parted into two equal halves. He held the sections up so Molly could see the small timers. "Shaped charges of RDX. You can blow the turret off a tank with a couple of these. The Mujahadin never go out unless they have one in their pocket!" Ben joined the two halves and handed the egg to Molly. He next selected one of the yellow eggs. "See this little bump on the end? Hit it once on any hard surface. You have then got ten seconds to get rid of it. These contain a potent nerve gas. Similar to VX, but not deadly. It'll knock people out for twenty four hours. Be sure you are upwind and can get away." Ben closed the lid on the egg carton and returned it to the safe. He did not give any indication what the black eggs were used for and Molly thought it best not to ask. Molly carefully placed the two small eggs in her hand bag. Thanking Ben she declined his offer of assistance to help rescue her friends. Actions would have to proceed carefully. First a reconnaissance of Gamma Communications then the decision of whether to call in the police or Ben's one man SWAT team. At least Molly felt better now that she was actually making plans. Driving back to Victoria on the Island Highway Molly was very careful not to exceed the speed limit. It would not do to be pulled over by the police with the UZI tucked under the front seat. The long drive gave time to think and plan strategy. It was almost evening when Molly finally reached her apartment. She put a couple of potatoes in the oven then turned on the computer. While supper cooked would be a good time to check the local bulletin boards. Most of the numbers Molly tried did not answer. What could be the problem? At last Southern Cross connected. The familiar logo of stars appeared on Molly's screen, then a bulletin from Peter Freeman the sysop. ***** NOTICE..NO FILES OR QUICK MAIL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!***** ***** THE SYSTEM IS RUNNING ON FLOPPY DISKS ONLY,****** ********** DUE TO MALICIOUS INTERFERENCE. ************* "Oh no!! It must be VonCriptic. Looks like he has attacked all of Victoria's boards." Molly tried paging the sysop, but without success. She then hit the "E" key and proceeded to send a private message to Peter. "Dear Peter, I think I know who is behind all the problems! Also have a feeling Ren and Michael may be in danger. Am going to investigate tonight. If you don't hear from me by tomorrow morning call the authorities and send them to Gamma Communications." signed......Molly Modem Later after the dishes were cleaned Molly dug out an old dark sweater and a pair black pants. A dark scarf would serve to cover her long blond hair. Now she was set for an evening of clandestine skulking. There was one last thing to do before driving out to investigate Gamma Communications. Molly opened the box of nine m.m. ammunition and proceeded to load three spare magazines for the UZI!...........(to be continued) Is our heroine going have a showdown with VonCriptic? Or is she going to meet up with a villan worse than Doctor Node and Baud Job put together? To find out stay tuned for episode eight of The Adventures of Molly Modem................... X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .