******* EPISODE #8 THE ADVENTURES OF MOLLY MODEM ******** In our last episode Molly had changed into RAM-Beau a tough machine pistol toting heroine ready to meet any danger! She was getting ready to investigate Gamma Communications for clues to the disappearance of her friends Ren and Michael. Molly drove a quarter mile past Gamma Communications looking for a place to leave her car. At last she found a spot and parked out of sight behind a clump of cedar trees. The waning moon provided just enough light to see the path beside the road. Although it was unlikely she would meet anyone Molly kept to the shadows. She ran her finger across the muzzle of the UZI machine pistol tucked in her large shoulder bag. Just let Baud Job show his evil face. Half an hour later Molly was in the trees beside Gamma's parking lot. A large van was parked in the middle of the lot. Molly sprinted over and crouched behind it. The two windows on the front were dark. The only light came from the bulb on the Gamma Communications sign board. Molly dashed over to one of the windows and quickly peeked inside. Everything was dark so she moved along to the door. Reaching out she tried the knob. It was not locked. Thoughts of being arrested for break and entry raced through her mind. How would she explain the UZI? Molly found herself in a large warehouse storage area. One dim bulb provided just enough light to see by. She started tiptoeing towards the closed door on the other side of the area. Molly had just passed several large crates and was reaching for the door when she felt something cold pressed to the back of her neck. "Don't make a move or I'll blow your head off!!!!!!!!!" Who ever it was grabbed Molly's shoulder bag. So much for coming prepared. Now all she had was her bare hands. Her captor ordered her to open the door then prodded her along with his gun. At the end of the long hallway they came to another door. This one had a sign on it which read "Dr. George May President Gamma Communications Corp." With the gun still in her back Molly was ordered to open it. Inside Molly's heart almost stopped. Behind the large desk was a small man with a goatee. Beside him sat Doctor Node and Baud Job. Doctor Node was the first to speak. "So nice to see you Miss Modem. Again our paths cross. If I recall we have some unfinished business to discuss!" The small man behind the desk now spoke up "Shut up Node! I give the orders around here. So you are the Miss Modem who has been causing us so much trouble. I guess we'll have to get rid of you along with Doctor May and those two nosy sysops." Molly was getting over her terror. "Who are you and what have you done with Ren and Michael?" "OH so you know those others. Well they got a little too close for their own good. My name is Otto Cadd and I don't like having busy bodies interfering with my plans. Perhaps you have heard of SPAM? That's short for spying and murder, a branch of SPECTRE.....Special executive for counter intelligence, terrorism, revenge and extortion." "And just what are your plans?" demanded Molly. "I might as well satisfy your curiosity Miss Modem. You and your friends will not live long enough to use the information. SPAM has been engaged in stealing computer secrets from American and Canadian computer systems. Lately our job has gotten far more difficult. Many systems are starting to use very sophisticated security hardware. When we first heard about Doctor May and the device called a coherent password gate we knew we had to act fast. Doctor May's system would have locked us out of all the best secrets. So we have taken control of Gamma Communications and now all coherent password gates contain our own special modification. I even convinced a nerd computer hacker that he could help test government security by breaking into every system possible. I told him I was with the FBI and that we needed help testing protection on all computer systems. Soon all the big computers will have coherent password gates and safety from that dope VonCriptic. BUT! They will then be all OURS!! Hah hah hah hah hah........All right. Put her in with the others." "You'll never get away with this Otto Cadd" Hissed Molly. Her captor then motioned her out with his gun. A very frightened Molly Modem was taken to another part of the building. A heavy steel door was opened and Molly was pushed into a windowless store room. The door slammed and Molly found herself in the company of Ren, Michael and Doctor May. At least they were together, and at the moment unharmed. The four captives knew that they had to escape from the clutches of SPAM. If they did not do something quick it would be.................. ........ALT...CONTROL...DELETE for them. Molly motioned her friends over to the corner. "If I can get us out of this room can you lead us out of the building Doctor May?" George May replied with a terse "Yes". Molly then turned her back towards her friends and pulled up her sweater. Reaching into the left side of her bra she removed a small blue egg. Pulling her sweater back down she turned and smiled. "An ace up my sleeve so to speak." Molly then explained what the egg was and how she was going to open the door. She set the timers and placed the charges near the hinges of the door. The four captives took cover behind an old desk. Exactly two minutes later there was a tremendous bang and the door was blown completely out. Molly was the first one through the opening. Her captor who had been standing guard out side lay on the floor. Molly found her shoulder bag beside his unconscious body and scooped it up. The UZI and spare magazines were still inside. George lead them down the corridors and they were soon at the parking lot. As they started to run there was a loud bang and a heavy slug slammed into the van parked in front the entrance. Molly and the others took cover behind the vehicle. Another shot ran out hitting the van. They were pinned down. If they tried getting away it would be across open ground and an easy target. Molly dropped down and crawled to the front of the vehicle. Pulling the UZI out of her bag she made certain the change lever was on fully automatic. She then lined up on the window the shots were coming from. On the next flash she squeezed the trigger. There was a sound like a huge sheet of canvass ripping and the window disappeared. Molly heard some screams from the building and knew she had been on target. The odds were now a bit more even. George May now spoke up "There is a back door. They may try to circle around behind us." Molly then turned to George and asked "Where is the intake for your air conditioning system?" "You can just see it up on the roof. Why do you ask Molly?" Without answering Molly reached under her sweater to the other side of her bra. She now had the pale yellow egg in the palm of her hand. Good. The wind was from behind blowing towards the building. Molly banged the egg against the side of the van then threw it overhand onto the roof. The egg detonated with a muffled pop and the fumes were sucked into the building. That should hold them for a while. Now to get away and call the authorities. Molly suddenly heard footsteps in the loose gravel. Turning around she faced Sam Slick. There was a large magnum revolver in Slick's right hand. It was pointed directly at her navel. Molly's finger was tightening on the UZI's trigger. Suddenly she relaxed! Standing behind Sam Slick was Peter Freeman sysop of Southern Cross and a dozen RCMP officers. "Looks like you don't need much help Molly" said Slick with a grin. "Seems like you beat us to the punch capturing Cadd and his gang." Molly was confused. This person did not talk or act like the private eye Sam Slick she had hired. "Just who the blazes are you Slick?" She asked. "Chief field agent for CSIS, Miss Modem. I've been working undercover for several months trying to discover the source of several data leaks. Without knowing it you tipped us off to the real crooks. It's a good thing Peter got worried and called the RCMP early. If you ever want a job with CSIS I'm sure we could use your talents." "NO WAY! I've had more than enough excitement lately." Several hours later the four captives of SPAM finished telling their story to the authorities. Each was then driven home to try and get a bit of rest. Over the next few days Molly heard that all the gang members had been rounded up. Otto Cadd, Doctor Node and Baud Job were in jail awaiting trial. VonCriptic who had been duped by Cadd would be the main prosecution witness. Slowly life in Victoria got back to normal. In no time all the local computer bulletin boards were back in operation. Messages started flowing as if nothing had ever happened. After so much excitement Molly Modem was having difficulty concentrating on her programming job. A week later an envelope for Molly came in the mail. It was quite thick and had a foreign post mark. Tearing it open Molly read................ Dear Molly; Mexico has been a lot of fun, but the SEA MOSS feels very empty without you aboard. I'm anchored just in front of the Acapulco yacht club. The boat is provisioned and ready for the crossing to the Marquesas. Am hoping you will join me to cruise the South Pacific. Inside the letter you will find an airline ticket to Acapulco. Please fly down as soon as possible. Yours, Mark Shippes Molly placed Mark's letter on the kitchen table and went to the bedroom. Rummaging through the bottom dresser drawer she muttered "Now where did I put that red bikini???".................. ************* THE END ************ Will we hear any more from Molly Modem? Who knows? With the magic of Quick-Mail Molly may log onto Farwest or Southern Cross from some place like Tahiti! What adventures will she and Mark get into in the South Pacfic ?????????????? X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .