A new game for the Macintosh! a game specifically aimed at the untapped demographic-lower income 18 to 25 year old males. SIM Crack house "If crime did not pay, then there would be no crime" G. Gordon Liddy You set your lookouts, your passwords, your bag men and reinforce the door! You must decide you strategy. Should you go heavy on the nickel bags at the Jr. High? Or sell leftover bong water up and down Frat Row! Make the right payoffs, ally with the right gangs. spread rumors to incite rival gangs to decimate each other in endless, senseless drive-by shootings. Earn bonus points by hooking innocent children of a celebrity, sports star or elected official. But pray they aren't found dead on your street corner or the heat will come down like a ton of bricks. Available now on Macintosh. No windows version. Just say no to Wintel! The World, not just the neighborhood are full of possibilities. If you Win you can move on the the companion game . . . SIMM Vegas! The big boss has spotted your talent for organization and ruthlessness he wants to see what you can do with a casino as a challenge. At the beginning of SIM Vegas you are tasked with running a casino for the head of 1 of the 5 families. You watch the hat check girl You watch the blackjack dealer You watch the pit bosses You water the drinks You fix the crap table with the honorable Senator and put him in your pocket! The Don will be pleased! Be aware. Danger can be any turn. If the kid brother of the Don is "Banging cocktail waitresses two at a time," just let it go-don't end up like Moe Greene. "Best computer game I have ever played, it was crucial in helping me prepare for my last movie. That means a lot from a guy that usually prepares by eating 50 pounds of potatoes" Robert DeNiro BUT, You can only play SIM Vegas by winning SIM Crackhouse. If you lose, then you lose your deposit and we will immediately ship you a copy of . . . SIM BIG HOUSE The game starts with the theme from Dragnet and a voice over by Jack Webb "That's right buddy, you'll have plenty of time to think about that were you are going. You'll be on the tenth floor of a century old penitentiary in an 8 x 9 gray-green metal cell with a rusty water running and a window only the size of your outstretched hand to look longingly out at the free clear air of this sweet land of liberty. You'll be eating three squares a day courtesy of the State in the house of Slamming Doors. Never before in a computer simulation has the MAN put down the brother man with such grim reality Again you will plot your strategy to finish your time in service of the SIM BIGHOUSE. How will you pass the time. Will you collect birds like Robert Stroud? Start a Gospel group like James Brown? You can be a pen pal to lonely widows. You can help the warden with his taxes. But there is danger there; do them tooo well and he may be tempted to reject your next parole. Get him audited and you may find yourself at the bottom of a swamp with more chain than you can swim with. Do the guards a few favors and get a good job. In a bad job, a new license plate might leave with a few extra fingers. A good job in the library can lead to a self taught law degree-then you can spot the errors of your overworked public defender. No matter what strategy, no matter what job always remember the crucial rules- 1] don't over hear anything 2] don't ask anyone how they go their nickname 3] sharpen your toothbrush into a knife for self-defense 4] Take Jake's advice, "Watch out for the wicked pepper steak on Thursday night." Ready for the Macintosh next fall . . . . Ex-Con going SIM straight .