+----------------------------------+ ! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ! ! Present: ! ! ! Modem Sniglets Volume #1 ! ! (Words that should be in the ! dictionary and aren't) ! ! +----------------------------------+ Written by: Raphael -Ninja Turtle Proofread By: Leonardo -Ninja Turtle SNIGLETS -------- METAMORPHOMORON: Anyone who keeps changing handles because he always gives each one a bad reputation (Right, James Bond? (Blast from the past.)) DIXI-SPIN: A cursor that spins: ""\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/" QUASI-MODEM: A brilliant modemer who knows something that he shouldn't and if asked will just say:"I had a hunch." EX: SYSOP:"How did you get my real name?" QUASI-MODEM:"I had a hunch" 300-BAUDUM: The tired feeling you get when you wait for files to transfer at 300 baud (Pronounced baud-um) SPELLOMATIC USER: Any user who spells for fun and profit. Often enjoys correcting other users and sysops SISOP: A sysop who, at the first threat from a 13 year old brat, will close his bbs down... A.K.A. "SYSI-OP" SIGH-SOP: Any moron who pronounces sysop with a long-I. WESTERN UNION: Any bbs full of non posters who log on to send mail to other non-posters. IDIOT-BOX POX: The disease that causes one to hang up without leaving a message on an answering machine NOCTERMINAL: Somone who calls bbs's at around 3am AETER: Somone who calls AE's and only leaches BLEACH-LEECH: Somone who is pale, calls himself a larch, and calls bbs's GI JOKER: Some respectable modemer who makes everyone believe that he is not into watching kid-cartoons and does. GI JERK: A 13-year old brat who watches kid-cartoons and admits it Parity Parody Party: A bbs party at which no one shows. KRAP-HEAD: Someone who forgot that the letter C exists: "K-KOOL", "KORNY", ETC... PHOOL: Somone who realizes that using ph where a f should go, and vice-versa, is 'neat'. in all actuality, it is real old-hat, and should not be done TERMVESTITE: Any male masquerading as a female user on bbs's BOZO DELUXE: Any user who incorrectly speculates about the identity of another or who calls himself: "THE THIEF." DUNGEONS AND DAMN-IT!: A person who only posts things about adventure gaming NONPOSTUS FREELODUS: The genus and species of people who log on, newscan, send mail, and leave. JOKE: Any bbs that has been up for longer than a month, has less than 50 users, is run off one drive, and has a sysop under age 15. WASTE OF A DIME: Calling bbs's 100 times a day to see how many new messages have been posted. SYSTOP: A system operator that doesn't allow anything fun: cursing, etc... BAG IT: What you tell someone to do if he asks you to download a 12 side program. BBSAE: A BBSAE is a bbs run by a fellow who doesn't realize that people are not gonna use the bbs part. they all want to use the ae, so he is accomplishing the same as an AE operator, only he is doing it with more effort.  .