The Official Grotto Primer of Elementary Texan ALL: petroleum. "They found all on mah land!" ARE: sixty minutes. "Ah'll meet yew thar in about a are!" ARN: a metallic element. "Mah muscle is as strong as arn!" AST: past tense of the verb, to ask. "Who ast yew?" BANES: a type of food. "Ah love pinto banes!" BEAN: a living person. "He's a right nice human bean!" BEAR: an alcoholic beverage. "Yew ever taste light bear?" CARD: a person lacking courage. "Yew yella bellied card!" DOLL: operate a telephone. "Jes doll me up sometime!" ERROR: used with a bow. "Ah shot a error into the air!" FAVOR: have a temperature. "Ah'm sick! Ah got a favor!" GRAIN: a color. "It's jes grain as grass!" KAINT: contraction for cannot. "Yew kaint do that!" KWAT: lacking noise. "Ah want peace an kwat aroun here!" LAGS: the lower limbs. "She got the cutest lags in town!" LANE: to incline. "Jes lane it upside the wall!" LIBEL: likely. "Yur libel t'git snockered drinkin RC!" LON: a large feline. "The lon is the king of the jungle!" NEKKED: nude. "She was in the pool nekked as a jaybird!" NODE: Past tense of to know. "I node him for years!" PAR: energy. "Solar par is downright unAmerican!" PAWN: on top of. "Put yur guns pawn the table!" PAYPUL: a body of persons. "Who are all these paypul?" SACKS: male of female. "Whut sacks are yew?" SAR: having a tart taste. "Boy, that lemon is sar!" SENSE: from a past time. "It's a are sense ah had a RC!" SEP: to omit. "Everybody gets a RC sep yew!" SLAVE: part of a garment. "It's a long slave shirt!" STALE: to take feloniously. "Thou shalt not stale!" STARS: a flight of steps. "Jes go up them stars!" TUTHER: of two or more. "Yew can take one or tuther!" WARSH: to clean with water. "Go warsh yur hands!" WOOF: doglike animal. "Who's afraid of the big bad woof?" WUNST: at one time. "Ah used ta node her wunst!"  .