From: owner-humor To: Multiple recipients of list HUMOR Subject: Fegg: magic Date: Sunday, April 10, 1994 1:07AM From _Dr. Fegg's Encyclopedia of *All* World Knowledge_ 1974: Terry Jones & Michael Palin :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: === Article: Magic === Here are some wonderful tricks, just as performed by The Great Feggo, during his twenty-minute season at the Golden Donkey Rooms, Macao in 1934. THE DISAPPEARING GLASS Find a friend. It doesn't matter whether you like him or not; in fact, the more he's a cross-eyed, snivelling little git whom you despise, the better. Put the friend in a box. Stand on the box and jump up and down, with a great roaring sound. If he tries to get out, tread on his fingers. That'll teach him. You can tell him you go the name of the trick wrong. THE DISAPPEARING MATCHBOX This is a clever one! Get a matchbox. Take all the matches out of it, and then smash it up. If the person who owns the matchbox objects, hit him over the head with whatever you're using to smash up the matchbox. For a spectacular finale, you can use the matches to set light to his desk. (You'll need a spare matchbox for this.) Clever, isn't it? THE DISAPPEARING RABBIT This is roughly the same as THE DISAPPEARING MATCHBOX, but make sure you're not anywhere near a member of the RSPCA. In fact, it's really best not to show this trick to *anybody*. THE DISAPPEARING FRONT DOOR For this trick you're going to need a bazooka, a bicycle chain, a crowbar, a mallet, and plenty of bandages. Ask a friend if you can go around to his house. When he says no, hit him over the head with the mallet, and tie him up with the rope (sorry, I forgot to mention the rope). When he finally invites you round, you can use the crowbar to open up the nearest parked car, and, using the skeleton keys (oh, yes-- you'll need some of them, too-- sorry), drive it round to his place. While he's phoning the police, you can use the wrench to force the lock on his front door, and then unscrew the hinges. (That's when you'll need the screwdriver. Forget about the bicycle chain-- sorry.) Put the door into the car, and push the lot over the nearest precipice. The bandages are in case you gash yourself on the jagged edges of the car door. Keep low for several weeks after this trick. Oh!... and don't forget to throw away the bazooka. FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS This isn't really a trick, but it's very useful to be able to do-- especially if you've just done the last trick, for example. You need a set of flags of all nations that you can pull out of a hat on a single string. When you've bought one, you say to the policeman: "I'm going to take flags of all nations out of this hat on a single string!" (You'll also need a hat, of course.) And then you take out the flags of all nations on a single string out of the hat, shouting: "Hey! Flags of all nations!" and tie the policeman up with the string. At least this'll give you time to get away. SAWING THE LADY IN HALF I wouldn't recommend doing this trick near any populated areas. In fact, it should only be performed in total seclusion, and the more remote and inaccessible the region, the better. Try the Russian Steppes or the Ulan Bator plain. Some magicians say you should use mirrors for this trick, but I've never found them the slightest bit of help. What you need is a good sawing arm and not to be too squeamish. THE BOURNEMOUTH KILLING TRICK Dr. Fegg wishes to deny all knowledge of this trick. He was in far-off Hove at the time, and in any case his firearms license expired a long time ago and the knives belonged to his uncle and were nothing to do with him at all. .