Guide to safe FAX Q: How well should I know the person to insure having safe fax? A: It generally helps to know the person you are faxing, especially if you want meaningful fax. But there are many people who safely fax complete strangers every day. Q: If I fax something to myself, will I go blind? A: Certainly not. But you should not allow faxing yourself to interfere with faxing others. Q: I fax numerous times a day. Is this normal? My friends say I fax to much. A: Yes, it is normal. But be careful to allow enough time for other activities such as eating and sleeping. And about your friends: They're probably just jealous. Q: There is a place down the street where you can go paty for fax. Is this legal? A: Yes. Many people have no other outlet for their fax drives and must pay a professional when their need for fax becomes to great. Q: Should a cover always be used when faxing? A: Unless you are really sure of the person you are faxing, a cover should be used to insure safe fax. Q: I have a personal and a business fax. Can transmission become mixed up? A: Being bi-faxual can be confusing, but as long as you use a cover with each one, you won't transmit anything you're not supposed to. Q: Is it ethical to fax your co-workers? A: Yes. Faxing is okay between consenting adults, but be certain that you are not engaging in faxual harassment or else you may lose your job, or worse end up in jail. Q: How old do you think someone should be before they can fax? A: Faxing can be performed at any age, as long as the person knows which switches to flip, which buttons to push, and what is inserted where. Q: What happens when I incorrectly do the procedure and I fax prematurely? A: Don't panic. Many people prematurely fax when they haven't faxed in a long time. Just start over. Most people won't mind if you try again. .