The following is a listing of classifications / descriptions used in various 'ufo' texts and classification systems... SIGHTING CLASSIFICATIONS Below are the classifications of various types of UFO reports according to proximity and activity. Suggested by J. Hynek & used by the Computer UFO Network. >LONG RANGE SIGHTINGS :farther than 500ft. distant from ufo:. +LRS-DD: Daylight Disk +LRS-NL: Nocturnal Lights +LRS-RV: Radar & Visual >CLOSE ENCOUNTERS :within 500ft from ufo: +First Kind : Simple sighting of an object/ufo. +Second Kind: Object interacts with the environment (including electromagnetic effects, ground traces, radiation, animal excitement. +Third Kind : Witness sights occupants in or around UFO. +Fourth Kind: Occupants communicate with witness in some way. +Fifth Kind : Abduction of witness. STRANGENESS AND PROBABILITY RATINGS This is a 5 point rating system used by Paranet BBS's of the National Fringe Sciences information Service to help establish the credibility of sighting reports.These ratings are NOT used by CUFON, which does not speculate. *1. Explained or Explainable. *2. Probably Explainable, with more data. *3. Possibly Explainable, but with elements/ strangeness. *4. Stange, does not conform with the norm. *5. Highly strange, definately indicative of intelligent guidance. EXAMPLES: S1-Weather balloons, meteor, bolides, aircraft, etc.. S2-Experimental aircraft, celestial object(planet/star/). S3-Slow, low flying object in formation. S4-Bol (ball of light phenomena) physical traces. S5-Close encounters,Abductions. >PROBABILITY FACTOR/ # Relates to the credibility, # & separation of witnesses and the soundness of evidence. *1-Not credible or sound. *2-Unreliable, probably a hoax. *3-Somewhat credible or indeterminate. *4-Credible and sound. *5-Highly credible, no doubt. EXAMPLES: *P1-Known hoaxer; photo hoax. *P2-Repeat witness;conflicting testimony. *P3-Standard,first time witness ;some radiation reading. *P4-Multiple witnesses; pilot; good photo. *P5-National figure, mutiple independent witnesses, videotape Composite Stangeness/Probability Rating of a case involves of the combined S/P factors. EXAMPLES: S1-Wickenburg, AZ; July 10 S2/P5-X-shaped UFO,Petaluma, CA S4/P5-Brazillian ping pong ball S5/P4-Betty & Barney Hill S4/P4-Lubbock lights S5/P5-Helicopter (Coyne case) S3/P2-Delphos  .