History of Public Access Unix and GNU/Linux (Pubnix) Systems By cmccabe@rawtext.club NOTE: This paper is under revision, so you will notice some discrepancies in the text. This article explores the history of public access Unix and GNU/Linux [1] systems (hereafter referred to as "pubnixes"), combining first-hand experience of contributors, historical accounts from related documentaries, and materials gathered from online archives. In exploring this history, one goal of this article is to provide overdue recognition to pubnix systems by clearly defining them as a category distinct from bulletin board systems (BBSes), web forums, IRC channels, and other computer-based social venues. And through this history and definition, this article will make a broader argument, that Unix itself is a communications and social medium, distinct from printed text, television and the World Wide Web (WWW) -- and that it can provide a unique and powerful role in society because of the special way in which it shapes social interactions. Finally, this article aims to encourage participation in and support for pubnix systems, partly by brainstorming on what the next generation of systems might look like. A central thesis of what follows is that pubnixe systems have played and continue to play an important role in fostering non-commercial online communities. And because of the way that Unix shapes social interactions among users, it is particularly relevant today. As concerns rise about the exploitative, addictive and shallow world of the commercial WWW, pubnix systems offer a meaningful alternative in which people can be valued for their interactions with others rather than for the resale value of the information a site collects on them. With this thesis in mind, this article is written for the following audiences: * People who are already users of pubnix systems, both experienced and those just getting interested in them, * Potential users in the form of technically-inclined people who are concerned about issues of privacy, user exploitation, and low quality, sensationalistic content of mainstream media and social media outlets. ________________ Definition of Pubnix Systems Pubnix Systems are defined as computers running a Unix or Unix-like operating system that provide shell access for free or low cost to members of the general public by remote connection for recreational, educational or other use. This is distinguished from public access Internet providers which, although occasionally Unix, primarily serve as a pass-through for Internet access. This is also distinguished from BBSes which are often not based on Unix, and which provide access to a BBS software interface rather than a Unix shell. Similar to pubnix systems are those that provide shell access restricted to members of a particular institution, such as a university or research organization. In fact, Unix as a social computing platform arose from this context in Bell Labs and several academic institutions in the 1970's. The distinguishing factor is that pubnix systems are open to the general public, in much the same way as public libraries are distinguished from university libraries. Not surprisingly, public access Unix systems also tend to have a larger and more diverse set of leisure uses than institutional systems. Another important dimension of this definition is the use of these systems for conferencing. Conferencing facilities (essentially threaded, persistent conversation forums) are not limited to public access Unix systems and in fact cross-cut many types of multi-user systems. On some systems, conferencing has become the dominant attraction, overshadowing the other uses of the system. The popularity of conferencing on some pubnix systems is an example of their value of providing a venue for online social communities. Origins "What we wanted to preserve was not just a good environment in which to do programming, but a system around which fellowship could form. We knew from experience that the essence of communal computing, as supplied by remote-access, time-shared machines, is not just to type programs into a terminal instead of a keypunch, but to encourage close communication." -- Dennis Ritchie [2] Although time-sharing operating systems were initially designed in the early 1960s to solve the problem of efficiently sharing computer resources by multiple users, they were very quickly adapted to include tools for communication among system users. CTSS [3], the very first time-sharing system, had by 1965 introduced the commands 'WHO' to list other users currently connected to the system, and 'MAIL' to allow users to exchange electronic messages. Public user profiles originated with the 'FINGER' command, developed originally on a DEC-10 system in 1971 [4] before coming to Unix in 1980. And the first bulletin board program was developed for the PLATO system in 1973 [5]. Unix's well-documented history began in 1969, as a descendent of the early time-sharing systems. One goal in designing Unix, as stated in the Dennis Ritchie quote above, was to facilitate collaborative work between the system users. To support this goal, even the early Unix systems had many social utilities-- including 'who', 'mail', and 'write' --allowing users to interact with each other, and many others were added by the early 1980's (Appendix A). And even the earliest Unix systems had a file system permissions scheme that allowed files to be kept private to the user, shared with a group, or made available to all users on the system. While these utilities proved very popular, and user communities developed within these systems, access to Unix systems was largely restricted to the research institutions where they were operated because computing in general was expensive and very few people had computers and modems at home. But in the late 1970's and especially 1980's, the commercial availability of home computers and modems changed all of that, and changed the culture of computing forever. Computer based social networking outside of research institutions first became available to home users during the early 1980's, largely in the form of bulletin board systems (BBSes). Early BBSes were simple computers (often not Unix) to which users could remotely connect via modem. These systems rarely had Internet access and users primarily drew from local calling areas because long-distance charges were exceedingly expensive at that time. The dial-in connection gave users terminal access to the machine and a limited ability to interact with others through the functions of the BBS software interface. Processor and modem constraints meant that early interaction among users was mostly limited to simple exchanges of text notes -- literally analogous to a physical bulletin board. As an example of modem constraints, the early 1980's Hayes Smartmodem supported 300 bits/sec of data transfer. The article you are reading now, in plaintext format, is about 30K in file size. It would have taken more than 13 minutes to download this article. But despite these limiting factors, being able to interact with others through one's home computer was an incredible novelty and computer-based social networking took off. The conditions that precipitated BBSes in the early 1980's also yielded the first pubnix systems. Like BBSes, these systems were open to home users through a modem connection. And like BBSes, the early users were primarily electronics and computer hobbyists who wanted to socialize with like-minded people around their hobby interests. It is true that some early pubnix systems offered BBS services and therefore acted as hybrid systems -- the dividing line between these two types of system was sometimes blurry. Early Pubnix Systems There is some question about which was the first pubnix system [6], but most sources point to one set up in 1982 by Mike Myers in Ann Arbor, Michigan. M-Net, as it was called, ran System III Unix on an Altos 68000 and primarily supported conferencing through two programs called PicoSpan and Party [7]. Also in 1982, Randy Seuss started up a separate pubnix system in Chicago [8]. Originally called wlcrjs, it changed its name to Chinet around 1984. Chinet ran Unix on a Compaq "portable" with a 4 MHz 8088 processor, 640k of memory, and a 10 MB hard drive. It supported conferencing on variants of PicoSpan, and also offered Internet access including e-mail and newsgroup postings over UUCP [9]. Throughout the 1980's, many other pubnix systems were set up. Some rose to notoriety, such as Sausalito, CA's The WELL (1985) and New York City's Big Electric Cat (1987). So many systems had sprung up by around 1985 that an enthusiast named Wayne Ross began sharing a compiled list of "Public/Open Access Unix (*NIX) Sites" that he called "nixpub" sites. In 1989 maintenance of the list passed to Phil Eschallier (now of 10 Types Inc. and RCH Solutions) who regularly distributed it on USENET [10]. The list consisted of 35 systems in 1987, and rose to 156 systems by 1995. The Pubnix History Project's gopher site [10b] will maintain a continually updated list of known pubnix systems, largely consisting of what was recorded in these nixpub lists for the historical systems. Like M-Net and Chinet, many of these early systems offered shell access but appear to have been primarily used for their conferencing forums or, later, USENET, email, and file transfer (over UUCP [9]). Users were typically people who had day jobs in academia, the government, or corporate research, and conferencing topics tended to be of a higher technical or intellectual level for that reason. Computer hobbyists were the most common user of these early public access Unix systems, and their interests included not just computer-based social networking, but also the architecture and operation of the computers themselves. These more technically minded people tended to be frustrated with what they saw as the toyish power of the single-tasking home computers of the day (e.g. the TRS-80), and saw modem-accessible pubnix systems as an opportunity to use a "real" operating system. The Unix OS was prohibitively expensive for home users during that time [11], so pubnix systems provided these enthusiasts a welcome opportunity to use it. There was wide diversity among these early pubnix systems, from small-scale hobby projects that attracted a scattering of local users, to heavily used conferencing forums. M-Net, for example, was quite popular, with around 25,000 users at one point. By the late 1980's some cities had access to a Telenet service called PC Pursuit [12] that allowed users to dial into a local number and get access to systems in more than 20 other end-point cities across the United States. This allowed some systems to cultivate user bases from a much broader area. Pubnix systems were similar to BBSes in their use for text-based conferencing and file sharing, but Unix offered one big difference; at its core, Unix was not built for socializing alone, but rather for programming. As John Biggs put it in a 2011 TechCrunch article [13], "Dennis Ritchie and [Ken] Thompson worked together to build Unix as a hacker's paradise, a place to test small programs and share the results". While BBSes have sometimes been referred to as "the original computer-based social network" [14], one way of describing pubnix systems is that they were the original online "hackerspaces". Hobbyists could work on coding projects in an environment that revolved around teaching and learning from each other and enjoying conversation with interesting people. As will be discussed below, this communal coding focus is seeing a resurgence in popularity more recently. Change Over Time In the late 1980's and early 1990's a number of new pubnix systems came online, sometimes evolved out of old BBSes and sometimes as de novo services. These systems combined the social spirit of the BBS era, the thrill of accessing the Internet's exploding amount of information, and the innovative spark of a new and better equipped DIY programmer generation. Some of the main influences on these systems were formative changes to the Internet, increases in modem speeds, and growth and diversification of user numbers and interests. One big change was that many systems began providing Internet connections, allowing their dial-up users to reach a broad variety of other networked resources. Another big change was that many new social utilities and other programs were added to the Unix environment --IRC, USENET, Gopher, and others. And of course, in the early 1990's the Linux operating system was developed, and the corresponding explosion of hobbyist programmers and sysadmins drew even more people into running and using Unix-like systems [15]. One of the key technological changes impacting pubnix systems was an increase in modem speeds. From the period of the early 1980's through the mid 1990's, dial-up speeds continued to rise, going from a now hard to imagine 300 bits/sec speed of early Hayes Smartmodems to 28,800 bits/sec by 1994. And with these speed increases came changes in usage patterns. Early access was so rare, and modem speeds so slow, that connected time was precious. Every word typed, every post made was thoroughly thought out before sending. Content was terse and purposeful. But in the mid-1990's, dial-up Internet access from services like AOL or CompuServe had become a strong force in the landscape. Along with the rapid growth of information and resources on the Internet, dial-up Internet service brought online a wave of new users from the general public. In addition, the WWW and the Mosiac web browser gave people a new medium for using it. Local systems such as BBSes and pubnix systems were no longer the only attraction in town. The era of the BBSes precipitously declined [16], and pubnix systems felt the effect as well. This change was reflected in both declining user numbers and shifting patterns of system usage. As 1980's veteran Phil Eschallier put it, "we went from brilliant physicists, compsci, EE, etc. to pictures of cats" [17]. This was also a period in which malicious user behavior became a problem. Spam mailers, script kiddies, and people hosting and sharing illicit files became a problem. But despite this, the value of community still shone through. As Ross Turk (now director of Red Hat portfolio evangelization) put it in describing his first experiences on Nyx.net, "You could tell it had already been the subject of much compromise - there were a bunch of disabled services and cumbersome processes (like a sign-up form requiring notarization) already in place. But it wasn't the system that made Nyx special, it was the community that it allowed to be created" [18]. For example, NyxMud's support for user scripted game elements was replaced with the "Wand of Creation", a limited options menu of sorts; but still, "it was a busy place with a vibrant community of players and wizards." The 1990's was a time of reckoning for pubnix systems. Some systems lost their user bases and closed as the meowing of cat memes replaced interesting discussions. Some others saw that providing Internet access was the bigger draw for new users, and they became early Internet service providers (ISPs), many of which were either outcompeted or consolidated into some of the big ISPs today. And yet others carried on similar to before, but with a more refined sense of purpose. The ones that persisted can be thought of as a second generation. The first generation pubnix systems had been largely focused on the novelty and fun of newly accessible computer-based socializing. These second generation systems continued that, but also began to develop a sense of larger purpose. Grex.org (1991), SDF.org (1987), and Nyx.net (1988), all of which still exist today, were among this second generation. A quick scan through their mission, principles, and philosophy statements highlights a common theme: community education, public education, spiritual and intellectual enrichment, promoting a better-informed citizenry, collaboration, non-commercialism, choice, privacy, cultural enrichment, scientific research. Some of these systems were consciously focused on having a positive impact on society through the social medium of the Unix system. They saw change on the horizon from the now commercial Internet and knew they had something important to protect from it. Still, the overall trend of usage was one of decline and some began to see pubnix systems as just a quaint, nostalgic reminder of a time gone by [19]. Current State In 2014, the downward trend changed. As Facebook soared past 1.5 billion users, and snatched up Whatsapp for $19 billion; as the world reeled in Edward Snowden's revelations about the U.S. surveillance apparatus; and as remaining pubnix systems continued to see flat or declining usage; a person by the name of Paul Ford [20] (then of ftrain.com blog notoriety) registered the http://tilde.club domain name and pointed it at a Fedora Linux server with open registration for anyone to use. He sent out a casual tweet to his Twitter followers and, to his surprise, within a few days tilde.club had hundreds of new account registrations. Users logged on to tilde.club and started putting the system to work. They created and shared ascii art or simple retro-cool pages; they wrote clever command line programs to impress other users; they blogged about their interests; they emailed, chatted and wall'ed each other. After a while, the number of new users grew so high that Ford had to restrict sign-ups. By no means were these usage numbers notable compared to even moderately sized commercial websites, but the creative energy pulsing through the tilde.club community was something different and special. Although tilde.club had to close its doors to new sign-ups, the interest of many members of the current generation had been piqued and others excitedly opened similar sites [21]. One example of this was tilde.town, created by admin vilmibm who took inspiration and general system design from tilde.club. Similar to tilde.club, registration was open to anyone, and users were allowed (encouraged!) to express themselves freely with the utilities a standard Linux box makes available. To this day, tilde.town is still active, very active, consisting of users with all levels of experience, from non-developers who just want to socialize, to both novice and highly experienced programmers. Someone is always working on and testing out new projects, often resulting in hilarious digital whirligigs or rube goldberg machines of code that other users can play with. For example, one user created a tilde-coin that is awarded for answering distorted captcha questions from an IRC tilde-bot. Another user created a multi-user virtual world of prose that continuously expands as users log in and describe more interconnected spaces. And another user created a retro BBS called BB&J. There is a curses-based "botany" app that lets you test your digital horticulture skills. Or you can homestead in the virtual world of cadastre. Eventually you will be able to grow fields of crops through a (currently in-development) project called asciifarm. (The developers of these programs are listed in Appendix C) There are so many other little projects on tilde.town that a new user can take weeks just to get an idea of what is available. Not all projects are perfect, of course; some are buggy, others are confusing to use. But, they were made to share with others, and the developers learned a lot while building them (somewhat analogous to the paper you're now reading). Another interesting and active system is called Devio.us. This system hosts a community dedicated to open source software and the Unix operating system, particularly OpenBSD. In addition to an expertly managed shell service, it has an active forum and IRC channel through which geeks, developers, IT professionals, and enthusiasts chat, interact, and network around shared interests. Meanwhile, over at SDF.org there continue to be thousands of logins a day. SDF has developed into a fully articulated social community, with free and paid membership tiers that provide varying levels of system access. It supports numerous ways for users to interact, including IRC, an old school bulletin board program called 'bboard', and a multi-room chat program called 'commode'; among great but lesser known utilities like 'oneliner' and an anonymous blogging tool called 'happening'. It also hosts several special interest groups including a ham radio users group (SDFARC), a python study group, a group of gopher protocol enthusiasts, a crowd of Minecraft players, and a user-driven Internet radio service ("anonradio") on which any user can sign up to broadcast their own shows. Among the system's users are digital artists, computer historians, web developers, gamers, and of course many, many programmers. All experience levels are represented, from young learners to veterans and computer science professors. One aspect that is fairly unique to SDF.org is its large number of users with a passion for retro computing and telecommunications. While retro computing is only one of the many user interests on SDF, it is one that has arisen partly because of the system's long and continuous history (more than three decades now). Users frequently converse about how to bring various pieces of ancient hardware back to life, or how to use old networking protocols. Users also occasionally post pictures, documentation or comments about old telephone technology. In addition, through a connection with Seattle's Living Computers Museum, sysadmin smj has facilitated online access to old systems like a CDC 6500 supercomputer and a simulated PDP-10 running the TOPS-20 operating system, both of which SDF users can log into. And of course, you'll also see a lot of appreciation for the timeless value of classic text-based games [22]. Through the various retro computing activities on SDF, you sense a deep respect for facets of computing and the Internet that are currently being paved over by corporate saturation. If you get into discussions with SDF users, you'll find that concern with the broader direction of the Internet runs deep. -- There are not an overwhelming number of places like tilde.town or SDF online these days, but there are still quite a few, and the communities are welcoming. In them, you'll find an online social space for people who are not amused by the mainstream social media; for people who are driven by the spark of curiosity and the interest to work on hobby computing projects in a collaborative, sharing environment with others. -- A forthcoming revision to this paper will expand on a growing resurgence of pubnix systems. The affordability and ease of cloud computing has so lowered the barrier to entry that many people have started setting up pubnixes. One huge area of growth is in a movement called the Tildeverse, initiated by Ben Harris of tilde.team. The Tildeverse is a loose association of tilde-branded servers that share some federated services like IRC. Pubnix systems got their start in the early 1980's and nearly 40 years later, they continue to evolve and attract new participants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- References [1] This paper originally used the name "Public Access Unix Systems" because this is the name that has come into common usage. Early systems were indeed Unix based, but over time the number of true "Unix" systems has been eclipsed by BSDs or, even more commonly, GNU+Linux systems. One of the core themes of this paper is the importance of individual freedom, a theme that I see at the core of the Free Software Foundation's mission. Freedom and liberty did not arise by chance, and they will not be maintained without awareness and considerable effort. For this reason, this paper makes careful effort to portray the role of the FSF and GNU in the history (and certainly future) of the systems described here. [2] The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System | Dennis Ritchie | Presented to the "Language Design and Programming Methodology" conference | Sydney, Australia | Sep, 1979 | http://cm.bell-labs.co/who/dmr/hist.html [3] Compatible Time-Sharing System | Wikpedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compatible_Time-Sharing_System [4] History of the Finger Protocol | Rajiv Shah | Jun 2, 2000 | Draft Paper http://www.rajivshah.com/Case_Studies/Finger/Finger.htm [5] PLATO | Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLATO_(computer_system) [6] "Notes On The World's First PA Unix System" | Slashdot post/discussion | Mar 19, 2000 | https://tech.slashdot.org/story/00/03/17/0450236/notes-on-the-worlds-first-pa-unix-system [7] On the origins of MNET... "The Once and Future M-Net " | James Howard | Mar 14, 2000 | Great Green Room | http://rootprompt.org/article.php3?article=170 "A Partial History of Computer Conferencing in Ann Arbor" | Jan Wolter | ~1997 | https://web.archive.org/web/20160805221621/greatgreenroom.org/cgi-bin/bt/backtalk/wasabi/begin?item=19 Arbornet and M-Net Records: 1985-2002 - History | University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library https://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhlead/umich-bhl-2012017?byte=70603759;focusrgn=bioghist;subview=standard;view=reslist [8] "Chinet -- Public Access since 1982" | https://www.chinet.com [9] UUCP (Unix-to-Unix-Copy-Protocol) was, to quote Wikipedia, "a suite of computer programs and protocols allowing remote execution of commands and transfer of files, email and netnews between computers" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UUCP [10] Many of the original 'nixpub' lists can still he found here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/comp.misc/nixpub%7Csort:date [10b] Pubnix History Project gopher://rawtext.club/1/cmccabe/pubnixhist [11] Unix and Personal Computers: Reinterpreting the Origins of Linux | Christopher Tozzi | Channel Futures | Apr 27, 2015 | http://www.channelfutures.com/open-source/unix-and-personal-computers-reinterpreting-origins-linux [12] PC Pursuit | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telenet#PC_Pursuit [13] "What Can We Learn from Dennis Ritchie" | John Biggs | Tech Crunch | Oct 15, 2011 https://techcrunch.com/2011/10/15/what-can-we-learn-from-dennis-ritchie/ [14] "The Lost Civilization of Dial-Up Bulletin Board Systems" | Benj Edwards | The Atlantic | Nov 4, 2016 https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/11/the-lost-civilization-of-dial-up-bulletin-board-systems/506465/ [15] (Linux and) the Enduring Magic of Unix | Ross Turk | Jan 1st, 2018 | Red Hat Enterprise Blog | https://rhelblog.redhat.com/2018/01/12/linux-and-the-enduring-magic-of-unix/ [16] BBSes declined but never went entirely extinct, and there are a number of people still passionately dedicated to maintaining the lineage and historical documentation. In fact, both the history and current state of BBSes are another fascinating topic. Like pubnix systems, BBSes provide an online social medium that is an alternative to the commercial WWW. Nowadays, many people use BBSes for that alternative purpose, but many users are driven by the nostalgia and retro-computing aspect. So big is the retro computing interest that new hardware has been released to mimic old modem connections (see the WiFi232 link below). There are many great historical summaries of BBSes online, so this article steers clear of replicating any of that content. Instead, here are some pointers, if you're interested. Bulletin Board Systems, History | Wikipedia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulletin_board_system#History "The BBS Documentary" | Jason Scott | May 2005 | http://www.bbsdocumentary.com A must see! The Wonderful WiFi232: BBSing Has (Literally) Never Been Easier | Blake Patterson | May 30, 2017 | Byte Cellar | https://www.bytecellar.com/2017/05/30/the-wonderful-wifi232-bbsing-has-literally-never-been-easier/ BBS Corner http://www.bbscorner.com/ "...Helping BBS Sysops & Users since 1996" BBSing... All About Bulletin Board Systems http://www.bbsing.com/ Telnet BBS Guide: https://www.telnetbbsguide.com "the largest active listing of Dial-Up and Telnet accessible Bulletin Board Systems on the Internet" [17] Phil Eschallier | Personal communication, Jun 5, 2018. [18] Ross Turk | Personal communication, Jun 4 2018. [19] In Noisy Digital Era, 'Elegant' Internet Still Thrives | Todd Bookman | Apr 17, 2012 | NPR - All Things Considered | https://www.npr.org/2012/04/17/150817325/in-noisy-digital-era-elegant-internet-still-thrives [20] "I had a couple drinks and woke up with 1,000 nerds" | The story of Tilde.Club Paul Ford, Oct 9, 2014 | https://medium.com/message/tilde-club-i-had-a-couple-drinks-and-woke-up-with-1-000-nerds-a8904f0a2ebf [21] Other Tildes | http://tilde.club/%7Epfhawkins/othertildes.html [22] On ASCII Games... SDF's ASCII Game Page | http://asciigames.com Text-based Games | Wikipedia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text-based_game