Running out of words -------------------- I go through cycles of being completely prolific writing, just full of words and thoughts and feelings that spill out of me, but then there's times where I can really only listen and read and writing or even talking gets hard. It's like I can be in the mode for receiving or transmitting but not both at once. It's a strange feeling, really, when I often think of myself As A Writer. I mean in a lot of ways I'm prolific even if a good chunk of what I write I squirrel away foolishly. I fill hundreds of, sometimes a thousand, pages a year with my thoughts and that's just what I hand write not to mention everything else I write in various online spaces. But then there's times like the past week where I'm just *quiet*. I'm deeply quiet, listening, reading, stewing. I feel a cold like winter, withdrawn into a kind of protective state.