Ambition -------- Thinking this morning that I'm a really ambitious person but that I've always felt like I don't have enough to show for all of that. I have so many big dreams, plans, things I'm working towards and so few of them feel like they've paid off how I wanted. Some of that is real and is my fault: I struggle with a lot of dark depressive moods and executive function issues that I know I could handle better than I do. Some of it is real and is outside my control: my stories about how I was treated in grad school make people's eyes pop out and most people who had early lives like mine don't even make it to this age nor do they manage to have any kind of career. Some of it *isn't* real at all, though. I know I have a tendency to look at anything I *have* done and say "eh, that's not enough". I think by definition nothing I could accomplish is going to ever feel like anything that can sate because ambition is an unquenchable thirst. I don't think that's always a bad thing, to feel driven to do and grow forever, but it *is* bad when it's tying your worth to particular outcomes. It's good to try new things, to struggle, to take risks. If you're only ever doing things that you know will work then you're not taking enough chances. It's like the old advice for frequent fliers that if you never miss a flight you're wasting too much time waiting at the airport: if you've never had a big idea fail, you probably haven't been trying risky enough things.