Not losing time --------------- So far a theme of this year is that I'm taking more efforts to not lose any more time: losing time due to my own mental health, losing time to social media, losing time to wrestling with software that's frustrating, losing time to task switching, &c. I feel like there's so many ways I can lose time in a day, so many ways my attention gets distracted. Just now as I was typing I had a moment when I was looking at my browser because of something I had on-screen instead of at my secure shell window where I'm connecting to the server to write this. I know I've written about this before I've just been thinking a lot about the ways that it feels like our lives are practically designed to waste our time on bullshit, especially in the pandemic as everything is remote and everyone is more terminally online than before. I have a lot of respect for Ploum's offline-first-for-a-year project that he's doing. It makes a lot of sense to me and I do kinda want to play with his new offpunk client that's a heavily modified version of solderpunk's gemini browser. I wish so much of my job wasn't with tools that are online-first. Maybe that's a copout, though? Like, for example, I could download the pages I need for reference, I could also use a local install of p5 for my algorithmic art class that I'm developing, things like that. I don't *have* to have discord open at all times either, I just want to. I also really don't have to spend time on twitter. Dear god twitter is my big weakness for any kind of offline first life. I swear, though, that if I had an easy way to aggregate the work of the few hundred artists I follow into a feed I can browse later I'd absolutely spend less time there. I don't know if I have a real conclusion other than the fact that I'm trying to do better in my own halting ways.