Sleep ------ Sleep is my great enemy, always has been. I've been wrestling with insomnia since long before I had any of the things that are supposed to be bad for sleep hygiene: caffeine, screentime, &c. I've just always had trouble sleeping and it's, like a lot of things, probably a combination of trauma, brainweirdness, and just bad biological luck. I joke that I'm a night owl whose internal alarm clock is set to early bird, because I honestly feel best and most lucid in the evenings and when I'm doing well I don't even feel tired until maybe 1 or 2. But on the other hand my eyes fly open with panic every morning at anywhere from 4-6. You can see the obvious problem there. Last night I was stuck in a long series of dark sad thoughts, but the worst of them was this: within the next decade my father will probably die. How will I take care of my mother after that? Will she even want me to help her? How can we possibly reconcile after everything? Those are hard thoughts to churn through, alone at 4am but unable to get up and do anything for fear of waking everyone else. So instead you sit and stew in it, tossing and turning to try and put it out of your mind. I failed to calm myself down into sleep once more, but then again who wouldn't?