Do I know how to be happy? July 24th 2023 ========================== I think one of the cruelest things anyone has ever said to me was a decade ago when I was dating someone who had spent a lot of time telling me I needed to open up, needed to learn to rely on them, &c. and then when I was talking about how hard shit was in grad school they got quiet and said "I don't think you know how to be happy" and then just changed the subject That's messed me up for a lot of years now because, well, there's a part of me always scared it's true. I'm a person who's depressed, sad, and stressed a lot. I tend to swing big and often it doesn't realy pay off. I've been through a lot of, uhh, not fun things in my life and have the emotional scars to show it. I like to think that on some level I'm kind of an optimist. Even when things get hard and everything goes wrong I always dust myself off and throw myself into the next try. I'm the person who (to reference the a:tla episode Ember Island Players) "gives overemotional speeches about hope all the time" But I still have that core of being a sad, moody, person and when I have dark depressive periods I just worry that my ex was right and that I don't know how to be happy