Catching up ----------- Sorta as these things go it's been far longer since I intended to either be here or write this phlog. My last entry I talked about how I was taking a community college job and, wow, yeah I didn't know what this position was going to evolve into rather quickly. Let me talk a bit more about what I'm doing now before I try to fill in what happened earlier this year, which is a much more frustrating story about covid, anti-trans sentiment, and what it's like to have a boss who's so scared you could just leave that he drives you away to feel like he's still in control. So what do I do now? Well my local community college system, which is actually really huge for a cc (60k students), got a big pile of funding to start a "AI and Cultural Computing Center". Basically, a kind of meta department for training faculty on how all these new machine learning tools that are rapidly coming out work, what their real limitations and capabilities are and, most importantly, about what the ethics of different applications of machine learning even are. The goal is to equip faculty across basically all departments to be able to critically examine big tech claims while also being able to find the good uses of this technology. They needed someone who was a cross-disciplinary weirdo with a scary math background, a lot of experience in education, has worked building makerspaces and community labs, and who has a history of writing about the ethics of tech. So that turned out to be me. This has been a very difficult job so far, full of course with its own frustrations and disappointments, but also it's been...good? I say tentatively while knocking on the cheap hardwood floor of my apartment. The biggest thing that scares me right now, to be honest, is that this project is just going to try and strain out all my anarchist neo-luddite tendencies and distill my work and the education materials I'm creating into something that's just an on-ramp to capitalistic big tech bullshit. Who knows though. All I can do is hope that it won't and try my best.