a weekend ========= I've been working multiple jobs for so many years it feels weird that, technically, I can take a couple of days off. It's been so long since I had "weekends" that I feel like this intense guilt over not working. I'm sitting here with my laptop open like "oh god there's so much I should be doing" and I'm attempting to resist that impulse. On the other hand if I *want* to be productive there's the fact that genuary starts next month and I really want to actually do it. It's a monthly challenge, which I inherently find fun, plus it's generative art which I love but never seem to make any time for because well, see above So I'm going to try and get back to writing here more regularly as a "do things that aren't working but are still social and productive" exercise and update my list of photos on the phlog as well. I like taking little journaling photos and then dithering them to be only a few dozen kb in size. So, yeah, I don't know I might play with Nannou (the most mature Rust creative coding library) this weekend just because I've never used it and see if I can make at least interesting patterns.