fragmentation ============= It's funny there's this whole aspect of "plurality" that feels like it should apply to me and yet doesn't. I tend to use the word fragmentation to describe my experience instead. People talking about being systems with distinct personas capable of communicating with each other and I have definitely never had that. At the same time I've very strongly had the experience that the I of today is not the I of yesterday or maybe even the I of five minutes ago, and yet in every moment there is an I with its own striation of memories and traits available at any given time, and yet the I is the I is the us. The multitudinous fragmented Is share some common ground but aren't the same gender or sexuality and don't even recognize the same subset of names the we uses and yet and yet the I is the I is the I, never without sense of being the whole and yet only a diminished part of that which is. As the song goes "we pretend that this collection has a name and is a being" I don't know where I'm going with this if I'm going anywhere at all beyond musing on the strangeness of consciousness when one has seen beyond the seams that stitch illusions of solidity together, like frames of a film going by fast enough they have the illusion of continuity.