a hard week of "community" -------------------------- so normally I keep this for just personal journaling but I'm going to talk about something current events the people reading this likely don't know about the big mess of this past few weeks but basically there's a long-running bad actor in trans spaces she's a serial predator who tends to pick youngish newly out trans girls (and has also done just a wild list of other things including being an fbi snitch, faking her own death, & just lots of wild things) by---whenever she's caught---disappearing and creating a new online identity and starting the game again so what happened basically she showed up again starting a mastodon instance billed as a safe place for trans girls to hang out, form a community, be as sexual and open as they want, all without judgement or the cruelty of the misogyny we all face okay so it took literally a couple of weeks before she tipped her hand, told another trans woman that she wasn't allowed to talk about an entirely *different* bad actor in the community, which then got a bunch of people looking at this odd person who came out of nowhere six months ago who had an oddly familiar set of friends, aesthetic, and seemed weirdly good at convincing lots of newly out girls to give her lots of love and devotion right so what's the point I'm getting at: I've been talking around the fact that this woman has done some really horrifying things. Like it's not hard to find out who I'm talking about and if you search her name you'll find multiple long posts over the last ten years by victims of hers describing just how goddamn evil she is. I cannot stress this enough: this woman is a terrifying person. When her newest identity got outed you'd expect people to react with shock and outrage that our most famous re-occurring missing stair showed up again and there was a little bit but there was a lot of sides-making, team-creating, and grand-standing that basically came down to either "you're wrong it's not her (even though she admitted it)" or even worse "yeah so what who cares" it's the who-cares types that have been kinda hard on my brain the past week this mastodon instance technically removed her as an admin but has otherwise largely rallied behind her, with the new mods declaring their allegiance to her, joking about how "the sex cult continues", or the weirdest one being a pentacostal-style public prayer for god to smite the enemies that unveiled the missing-stair's true identity It's been really surreal because I can't wrap my head around the people who just don't care. They don't care that a serial predator who's hurt a lot of people was lying to get access to new victims. They're making jokes about "sex cults" and things like that instead. And the way I've felt watching this is kind of how I've felt any time I've come even close to "trans only communities": that the "it's us against the world" attitude is so pervasive that no one actually cares about harm done if it's done by "one of us". It's basically replicating the worst of what the lesbian separatists ended up doing back in the day, creating such insular "you can trust only us" environments that there's no way to ever talk about the bad actors, the predators, the creeps, or even just the incorrible assholes I'm a person who's been through too much at the hands of too many people to ever trust "community" like this. But so many others happily sign up for it and revel in it that, I don't know, I feel very alone a lot of the time. The "community" I've built so slowly is, instead, probably like the communities any of us build that are able to last: lots of disparate individuals you've met over the years that you've connected with And I'm grateful for those connections, I am, though they're sometimes sparse because I'm bad at staying in touch when I need it the most---but that's a topic for another time But for now, I just wanted to ramble and talk about how horrified I've been watching all of this play out. I don't really have a point beyond the surreality, the feeling of separation from people who are supposed to be like me, and the deep sadness I have