I think I hate this job ----------------------- I've been hanging on in this position for awhile because a) it felt like it was the best way to open up opportunities b) as I've said, it's hard for me to conceive of getting anything better but I think I'm getting to a point where I can't stand working with my boss anymore. The best way I can explain it is that he treats me like The Help. He gets upset when I don't respond to texts or calls no matter when he sends them. I've gotten really sick of his annoyance with me sounding flustered when he calls me out of nowhere. A lot of what's been happening over the last year is that I keep getting saddled with more responsibility without authority. Once, ONCE, I actually made plans about future programming with our closest partners without him, which he has repeatedly told me I have the authority to do, then went to him and presented the plan and he still hasn't forgiven me for it. I'm not being dramatic. He brings it up every time we talk and talks about how I've been "offputting" and "hurtful". Hell, he stopped just short of accusing me of gaslighting him. He also keeps using the weirdest social-justice tinged language to talk about it: he justifies his behavior by saying he's "feeling very tender" or things like that. He drove the only other regular employee away, the person who handled the scheduling and payroll stuff, and he's dumped it all on me in a big speech about how by putting this on me he's actually giving me the real power in the organization. I can't even so much as buy a ream of paper and have no ability to even look at the organization's bank account but, yes, I have the real power. For the record, I've asked to be able to access the bank account so there's someone else who can make purchases when he's not available. I've been told I can't, for accountability purposes. No, I don't get it either. I'm just tired of being talked down to. He's the kind of guy who gets very weird and defensive over the smallest things, like the time he accused me and my now-quite coworker of both having simultaneous internet problems rather than admitting he had moved too far from his wifi router when he was outside smoking. If he can't follow what you're saying instead of asking questions he'll just accuse you of "not being high level enough" and start being insulting about how you're not as smart as him. He talks big about fairness and not exploiting people's time but still plays the standard non-profit game of "oh writing materials for a class only take five, ten hours right? no, it really should, you just need to be more agile and scrappy". When I was first hired as both a teacher and curriculum dev he secretly was paying me only a dollar above minimum wage, significantly less than my coworkers, and he didn't tell me. I had to figure that out later. I just am feeling very tired and unsupported and unappreciated. I'm just tired of other people making me feel worthless. I want to stop now.