What's the new year bringing? ----------------------------- It's been snowing for days here in Portland. The snow always makes me feel quiet and withdrawn. I don't know why that is: if there's something about the feeling of being a little more closed off from the world, the outside muffled except for the soft crunching sounds, or if it's just the memory of winters during my teenage years after we left Texas for the midwest. It's not a peaceful feeling, though, not this year. I'm still feeling weighed down by uncertainty about what's coming in the next year. We had so many plans for my various jobs about opening this makerspace and running in-person classes again that are all up in the air now that omicron variant is tearing through the US. Yes, I know, there's a lot of reason to believe that this variant won't be as bad as even the original covid but that's not the scary part, right? The actually scary part is that it has a lot of headroom for becoming more virulent as it doesn't have a lot of the adaptations that made delta dangerous. The more people who get infected the more dice rolls for further adaptation we get, the closer we get to a literal and figurative covid omega that tears through us. I think I'm also just feeling really sad and sick of how social media works. I try to keep some presence on twitter because, despite my annoying egging, a lot of my friends are still on there and it's the best way I can keep up with their lives. But the cost of that is witnessing just the stupidest petty shit all the time, people losing their minds over things that don't matter. I don't fucking care who the main character of the day is. No one is actually being hurt by 99% of the assholes everyone spends 24hrs dunking on before they forget the person's name. Like a few years ago when half of twitter spent a week making fun of a woman who said that she showers every day but doesn't scrub every inch of her skin. People literally spent days debating on whether or not she was filthy and disgusting for this. It was surreal because who fucking cares. It was just days of people being mean but trying to cast it as a Social Justice issue because [handwaves and fart noises]. It didn't matter. It was just gossip for fun but no one will admit they're just the worst stereotype of a knitting circle except made up of cliques of thousands of people at a time. I think I'm just tired of so many things right now. I just want to feel less burned out by everything.