Trying to save my time ---------------------- I've been thinking a lot lately about time. How it keeps disappearing and how to save it. I keep finding myself losing tons of time to so many small things. I know this is partly executive dysfunction but it's also about the pandemic, about uncertainty, about the degradation of a sense of time passing and having meaning. It's also about our technology and distraction. I have the very classic problem of things like notifications on my phone, my email, social media, discord all just tugging on my sense of attention. I've been noticing lately how much effort it takes to actually hold in my head what I'm trying to do when I open up my phone's browser to look something up. It takes *active* effort to even hold onto the search term I was looking up or the name of who I needed to email back. I feel very cluttered, lately. I guess that's another way of putting it. I feel cluttered and like it's hard to hold onto my thoughts. I was talking to my partner Tor about these things recently and we were talking about how it feels like time has started to lose meaning as we're entering year three of the pandemic. When you've been working from home for these last two years on projects that don't have hard deadlines everything starts to feel fuzzy. I need more schedule and routine in ways that no one can provide but myself. I think one of the things I need to do is start blocking out time for things like email or social media, set aside time and train myself to put it all down until those set times. Maybe that will work, maybe it won't, but I'm just getting frustrated with the ways it feels like time keeps slipping away.