Alone together --------------- I've been realizing that one of the things I've been missing a lot over the last two years of the pandemic is the feeling of being alone with a group of people. I'm sure you all know what I mean by that: those moments of peace and stillness that come with activity all around you. Maybe you've had it sitting in the food court at a mall. Maybe it's on commuter rail as people are filing on and off. Maybe it's in a coffeeshop as you're overhearing a dozen conversations over the turntable playing records over the speakers. It's those moments of solitude where you're being ignored by a dozen a hundred a thousand people all going about their lives the same way you are and you can watch and listen and yet be untouched by them. It's one of the most beautiful kinds of solitude there is, at least to me. I miss it so much. So desperately much.