!christyotwisty's Five Questions January 2023 - rawtext.club:70/~xiu 2023-01-04 Boorloo/Perth, Western Australia - 1. What are you grateful for from 2022? 2022 was the year I reviewed my relationship with digital technology. I quit "social media" and sought to explore and nurture my friendships and relationships away from the platforms where they'd developed. Where too-easy communication may leave one unsure if a friendship is real or simply convenient, moving to a mode of higher friction not only tests and distinguishes, but also seems to strengthen genuine bonds. I am grateful for the connections that proved true. 2. Has the internet changed the way you think? Yes, and I'll stick with a short answer for now, because there's a lot to unpack and I'm not ready for it. 3. What do you believe is true though you cannot prove it? That capitalism has been an experiment gone wrong and is making us miserable. I feel we can still have nice things that resemble parts of capitalism, but the way it's set up right now is very broken. I can't prove this and I don't know enough to go into detail; it's just a sense. 4. What have you changed your mind about and why? If possible, use an example from 2022. That the world is a dreamy, lovely place and the stuff that's wrong with it are just blips that will sort themselves out in the end. I realise now that while the world can be dreamy and lovely, the bad stuff is an ever-encroaching entropy. Lovely is not assured and we are not entitled to it. We must exercise custodianship of it. 5. What would you like to return to? Guaranteeing no creepy monkey-hand backfire implications here, I wish I could return to five years ago and reassure myself not to lose faith in homesteading just because we moved to a shoebox apartment. We have a garden and proper kitchen now, and I feel the part of my brain that once appreciated this has atrophied. It will take a lot of work to neuroplasticise a way back there. BONUS: Things to love in life 1. The smell of a village high street lined with eateries at dinner time. 2. Hyperfocus on the preparation of caraway-spiced coffee in a French press. 3. The gentle brush of a rain-drenched rosemary sprig across one's cheek.