!Random updates, notes and pendings - rawtext.club:70/~xiu 2023-01-19 Boorloo/Perth, Western Australia - I have been absent. Behind on emails and due to being distracted with the Vivobook setup[1], returning to work, migrating my files to something cheaper and more local, and general life admin. fluxion[2] talked me through an email setup recently, which I plan to try as soon as I gather the courage to try Mutt. Not having done so yet is pretty much the reason for being behind. I love the look of gef's new digital garden[3]. It's so nicely realised even at such an early stage. Ps. Thank you for the shoutout[4], gef. Currently reading SUNBURNT COUNTRY by Joelle Gergis, all about the history of Australian climate. TIL that the Bibbulmun Noongar of Western Australia include an oral record of the last Ice Age in their stories. That's pretty freaking amazing, though not a surprise for one of the oldest continuing peoples in the world. Live and learn: The last two Royal Gala apples I've bought have been not quite right on the inside. I wonder if mid-January is already too late in the season for this type of apple. Pink Lady and Granny Smith have still been nice. My theme for this year is Deep Life and Slow Productivity, and simply accepting that I will fall behind on some things. Life goes on until it stops. [1] gopher://rawtext.club:70/0/~xiu/phlog/2023-01-15-permacomputing-manjaro-i3-asus-vivobook.txt [2] gemini://fluents.xyz [3] gopher://sdf.org/1/users/gef/./garden/ [4] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/gef/./reflections/structure