!Little wins - rawtext.club:70/~xiu 2023-02-28 Boorloo/Perth, Western Australia - Some little wins I am quietly celebrating in my head. # Finding a refurbished bookshelf When we decided we needed a bookshelf to store our stray books, I was worried we'd end up buying a drab behemoth from a retail outlet at the end of a don't-care supply chain. Instead, we stumbled into a local shop run by two guys who restore old furniture, and purchased a shelf that was handmade in the 1960s right here in WA. It was designed and crafted with love, and refurbished with care. It comes from the circular economy and I am happy we were able to do this. # Getting a boomer end-user onto FOSS software A boomer-aged person in the family is in the midst of a career pivot, and Microsoft Office is an expense they'd rather not have to cover. So I sent them a link to LibreOffice, which they immediately adopted into their workflow. I'm very chuffed about this because this person is a non-technical but very enthusiastic end-user of technology. This is a needs-must problem that FOSS software is solving[1]. I hope it helps shift the attitude away from Big Tech brands being the be-all-and-end-all of software options. # Drafting again after a break Our trip to Eora/Sydney[2] meant a big break from the manuscript I'm working on. I was worried after yesterday's distractable and abysmal return to the task (only 300+ words), but decided to be kind to myself and attend to my "energies" as per the "Full Engagement" approach to work. Today, I smashed out 1000+ words in two sessions without having to try too hard. All I needed was a little clearway so I could focus without so many noises in my head. Night Traveler's album[3], DREAMS YOU DON'T FORGET, was my soundtrack. It was perfect. # Questions What wins have you had recently? What do they mean to you? [1] gopher://rawtext.club:70/0/~xiu/phlog/2022-10-12-pondering-desires-choices.txt [2] gopher://rawtext.club:70/0/~xiu/phlog/2023-02-16-vivobook-on-the-road.txt [3] gopher://rawtext.club:70/0/~xiu/phlog/2023-02-27-just-gopher.txt