Dilip 01 Dec 2020 ======================================================================== December 2020. My least favorite month of the year in general is finally here. December is when I'm confronted with how lonely I really am. An immigrant living in a country away from family and friends I grew up with. A single man in his 30s with an extreme dislike for all forms of online dating. A transplant to a new city where all connections are with introverts and an effective social network that dies one hop away in any direction towards any leaf node. A year ago, I had resolved to break my loneliness by December 2020. I started out with strong progress - I made several friends at a local book club, I made some friends at a local writers meetup, I managed to get invited to a couple of parties. Then the pandemic happened. So again, I will walk alone down brightly lit streets with shops filled with christmas decorations, and I will have nobody to share it with. Do not feel sorry for me dear reader. This is a life I chose when I left my home town for better opportunities. I'm a resourceful person, I have unshakable confidence in myself that I will make things work somehow. 2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, I have been fortunate that my family and friends back in my home town have all stayed safe during this pandemic. I would love some advice on how to make new friends as a 30 something adult moving into a new city filled with strangers. Please email me at , I would love to hear from you.