I'm back, we're back. Solar flares disrupted our spaceship communication infrastructure for a loooong time. about 40 days ago, while I was out of the orbit, working on a mining factory on Proxima Centauri, a huge burst of solar flares literally cooked our main communication cable to the link antenna that provides data connection to our spaceship (medialab.freaknet.org). So, I was forced to wait 40 days on Proxima Centauri (you know, the work, the quarantine policy of those Proximans rednecks, and so on) and our space wreck was since then totally disconnected from the outside world. The crew and the robotics managed to keep everything in order. So I just returned, other tecnicians returned back from other duties, some new equipment came out, and we finally managed to fix the comlink... so we're back online 24/7!!! YEAAAAAHHH!!!!!!! Now we're orbiting very close to the star, the damn star - jeez, it's so fucking hot here! 35 degrees in the main deck, almost 40 outside on the bridge. I hope we can deal with this and get away from this damned sun ASAP. that's it for now, asbesto, over and out ---