It was a strange day! So I have to add something to my phlog one of our emulated system, "glorry", hosted on "Corazzini", a real piece of hardware, is no more. This because Corazzini suffered from the sudden burst of cosmic rays from that piece of crap called SUN. And suddendly a part of his hardware failed, and we've no spare parts right now here in the hardware deposit of our space wreck, so we can't fix this for now. Glorry's data is backupped and will be back online ASAP. for now, have fun with the real hardware: snorry is back online, corazzini and his emulators are still there. please check our online computer list at THAT LIST DOESN'T EXIST now - we've to work on that, we know! but first we have other tasks to attend - fixing shields, checking all computers, navigation system, radio comm, protocols, quarantine documents from that proxima centauri shit, and so on... please be patient! ---over and out