so i am writing a tool to keep track of the work i do. since i program in both windows and gnu/linux in $DAYJOB but i am no fan of cross-platform ui's, and since i prefer to program in haskell, and since i found reflex to be a very productive way to manage state, and since there is only limited support for winapi gui programming in haskell, and since there is no support for winapi gui programming in haskell with reflex, i decided i'd just work out what i needed to know to do it. to that end, i intend to use this phlog series to mention to myself what i am actually doing. but some posts will be in esperanto. if you find this interesting, please get into contact with me in some way. ------ presently, i am distracted from any of my main tasks with some weird bug. for some reason beyond my kenning, GetThemeSysFont seems not to be scaling according to dpi. or more accurately, it's scaling at 200% (which is the normal dpi of my main screen) and not at the dpi of the screen it's presently on. according to a source file in a git respository [0], per monitor awareness needs to be v2, but it is. so i am completely confused. i've just written the bindings to check that the circumstances are the same as the ones in tringi/win32-dpi, and then before i tested it i decided i should write my gopher stuff. [0] repo: file: /win32-dpi.cpp