Hello! This is my first post in my phlog(gopher blog) that now has converted to an "About page". Gopher attracted me. But Why? I could make you a bunch of reasons: simpleness, fastness, low bandwidth usage, etc. But none of these are real reasons for me. Consider that: - I am a kid, - Kids like toys, - Kids pay attention to newer toys, - Gopher is new to me, So: Gopher attracted me. I have a "website", too: http://far.chickenkiller.com Email: hapu [at] riseup [dot] net 1GPG public key(ASCII) ~farooqkz/pubkey.ascii republic.circumlunar.space 70 1GPG public key(Binary) ~farooqkz/pubkey.bin republic.circumlunar.space 70 XMPP: hapu@riseup.net Telegram: @farooqkz IRC: irc.freenode.net ##pcworms 1Back to home ~farooqkz republic.circumlunar.space 70