TITLE: My workflow, tmux, vim, etc. DATE: 2017-11-01 AUTHOR: John L. Godlee ==================================================================== I thought I should do the sort of post that everyone seems to do and show off my workflow, with all the horrendously try-hard command line utilities, and DIY config files. You can find my dotfiles here. [here]: https://github.com/johngodlee/dotfiles I spend most of my time working on my macbook pro, within an iTerm2 window running tmux. I have a bash script that builds a tmux session and fills it with useful programs. I have vim in one window, then a whole load of small empty shell panes in the next window, and finally cmus in the last window for playing music: #!/bin/sh # Create new session tmux -2 new -s 'dash' # Start vim tmux send-keys "vim" Enter # New window, split into 4 tmux new-window -n 'bash' tmux split-window -v tmux split-window -h tmux select-pane -t 1 tmux split-window -h # Split pane 1 vertically tmux select-pane -t 1 tmux split-window -v # Split pane 5 horizontally tmux select-pane -t 5 tmux split-window -h # Resize panes tmux resize-pane -D 8 # New window, start cmus tmux new-window -n 'cmus' tmux send-keys "cmus" Enter # Detach and reattach to make it work properly tmux detach tmux a -t dash tmux select-window -t 1 I dabbled in using tmux-resurrect and tmux-continuum to save my tmux sessions when I rebooted, but I found that these plugins weren't always reliable. Besides, I don't usually reboot my laptop unless I've first saved all my files. I used to have a lot more things running in tmux. I used alpine to manage email from my gmail account, and I used the calendar.vim plugin with a custom .vimrc to link to my google calendar, but when I started back working full time I found that it actually saved me a bit of time to just use the default macOS Calendar and Mail apps. Note-taking I use vim to take all my notes. I use markdown to format all my notes. I have a note for each day, or at least each workday. The basic format of my daily note is: # Item 1 * Thing to do one * Thing to do two * detail 1 * detail 2
# Item 2 * Thing to do one ==================DONE=================== * Thing to do, done ==================DONE=================== At the end of the day, I copy that day's note into a new note with tomorrow's date. So in the end I have a folder of notes with names like this: Daily_2017_10_26.md Daily_2017_10_27.md Daily_2017_10_28.md I also have this neat way of roughly tracking how productive I've been. I can count the number of lines within the ==================DONE=================== tags. Then I can turn that into a csv, then import that into R and plot a graph of how much I've done over time. It's not that useful, but was a fun project to put together, and a way to learn about grep. The bash script: #!/bin/bash # Create csv file of completed items from daily notes by counting lines between #DONE# marks touch ~/Desktop/word_count.txt # Using a for loop and multiple sed arguments to amend the file (takes longer) for f in ./*; do { printf '%s ' "$f"; sed -n '/DONE/,/DONE/p' "$f" | wc -l; } >> ~/Desktop/word_count.txt; done # Make multiple whitespace into 1 whitespace, to csv awk '{$1=$1}1' ~/Desktop/word_count.txt > ~/Desktop/word_count.csv # Replace "md " with "md," perl -pi -w -e 's/md\s/md,/g;' ~/Desktop/word_count.csv # Add column names echo -e "date,count\n$(cat ~/Desktop/word_count.csv)" > ~/Desktop/word_count.csv # delete txt file rm ~/Desktop/word_count.txt # Run R script Rscript ~/Google_Drive/Code/R/done_count.R The R script: # Personal productivity by #DONE# items in Daily notes # Packages ---- library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) # Load data ---- prod <- read.csv("~/Desktop/word_count.csv") # Clean up ---- prod$date <- prod$date %>% gsub("./Daily_", "", .) %>% # Remove leading filename section gsub(".md", "", .) %>% # Remove trailing filename section as.Date(., format = "%Y_%m_%d") # Transform to Date class # ggplot line graph ---- done_count <- ggplot(prod, aes(x = date, y = count)) + geom_line() + scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b", date_breaks = "1 month") ggsave(filename = "ggplot_done_count.png", plot = done_count, width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm") Edit 2017_12_08 I've been thinking more about the note-taking philosophy and have noticed a few trends in my own note-taking that make it easier for me to read things back at a later date. This has mostly come about because I am now starting to re-read my notes on academic papers as I start to write my confirmation report. - Keep notes short - It's much easier to read notes back when they are only on short lines. Only one sentence per line - Nested bullet points - In line with trying to keep notes short, it follows that nested bullet points are a great way to give some sense of inherent structure to your note taking, and make it easier to memorise things like lists of species. Nested notes also do a good job at maintaining a logical flow to discussions, by allowing you to put a retort to a particular piece of evidence as a nested bullet under the main bullet point. - Use keywords and repeat yourself - I find it much easier to search through long sets of notes if I have keywords to search for. In this sense, it follows that each bullet point should be its own self-encapsulated bundle of information, which relies little on other bullet points to give it context, this makes it much easier to scan through bullet points for the useful information. - Use Markdown - This isn't entirely necessary, but I've found it to be a great way of quickly applying formatting to my notes, as opposed to what I used to do with Microsoft Word and WYSIWYG formatting. Screens and deskspace I do nearly all of my work at my desk in the University. I have a widescreen monitor with a trailing HDMI cable that I can plug into my laptop, then to the right I have a HP all-in-one running Windows that is hooked up to the University network, just in case I need to use some piece of Windows software. For example, when I'm testing workshops for undergraduate students. ![Desk](https://johngodlee.xyz/img_full/terminal/desk.jpg)