TITLE: CMUS colour scheme and persistent settings DATE: 2022-12-08 AUTHOR: John L. Godlee ==================================================================== cmus uses a file called autosave (~/.config/cmus/autosave) to store configuration settings. This file is loaded every time cmus is launched. Settings changed during a session will be written to autosave on exit. This can make changing settings a bit finicky. A few times I've accidentally changed a setting by pressing the wrong hotkey, and then not been able to change it back. There is another file called rc (~/.config/cmus/rc) which can store persistent settings. These settings are loaded after autosave and will not be overwritten on exit. [cmus]: https://cmus.github.io/ In my cmus rc I only have a few settings: - set aaa_mode=all - play all tracks, alternatively artist or album for all songs in the current artist or album. - set stop_after_queue=true - after the play queue has finished, stop playing - set continue=true - Play the next song automatically - bind -f common q quit - rebind q to not ask for confirmation on exit - unbind -f common C - unbind C, which normally toggles playing the next song automatically. I never want to disable continuous mode. All settings can be found in the cmus manual. [cmus manual]: https://github.com/cmus/cmus/blob/master/Doc/cmus.txt The rest is colour settings: - set color_separator=white - separator colour between artist and track view in tree view - set color_statusline_bg=gray - statusline background - set color_statusline_fg=black - statusline foreground - set color_win_title_bg=gray - background of window title - set color_win_title_fg=black - foreground of window title - set color_titleline_bg=default - background of currently playing track - set color_titleline_fg=white - foreground of currently playing track - set color_win_sel_bg=gray - background of selected row when not currently playing - set color_win_sel_fg=black - foreground of selected row when not currently playing - set color_win_inactive_sel_bg=darkgray - background of selected row when not in that window and not currently playing - set color_win_inactive_sel_fg=black - foreground of selected row when not in that window and not currently playing - set color_win_cur_sel_bg=gray - background of currently playing track when selected - set color_win_cur_sel_fg=black - foreground of currently playing track when selected - set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_bg=darkgray - background of currently playing track when row selected but not in that window - set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_fg=black - foreground of currently playing track when row selected but not in that window - set color_win_cur=green - text colour of currently playing track when not selected ![Annotated screenshot of cmus showing colour settings](https://johngodlee.xyz/img_full/cmus_colours/scrot.png)