TITLE: SEOSAW growth rates workshop DATE: 2023-09-13 AUTHOR: John L. Godlee ==================================================================== Recently, with help from colleagues, I ran an online workshop for the SEOSAW network on estimating tree growth rates, rates of recruitment and mortality, and rates of biomass productivity and loss from repeat measurements of tree stem diameter in fixed area plots. [SEOSAW network]: https://seosaw.github.io/ The workshop built on a lot of previously established methods like Kohyama et al. (2019), Kohyama et al. (2018), Talbot et al (2014), Bowman et al. (2012), and Mugasha et al. (2017). [Kohyama et al. (2019)]: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2018.11.010 [Kohyama et al. (2018)]: https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210x.12929 [Talbot et al (2014)]: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2014.02.021 [Bowman et al. (2012)]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2012.08.005 [Mugasha et al. (2017)]: https://doi.org/10.2989/20702620.2016.1233755 I put together some worksheets with tutorial-like exercises to familiarise everybody with the functions in the {seosawr} and {ProdVital} R packages, then in the afternoon we had some discussions on developing research ideas that take advantage of these methods. [{seosawr}]: https://bitbucket.org/miombo/seosaw/src/master/seosawr/seosawr/ [{ProdVital}]: https://github.com/johngodlee/ProdVital Here is a link to a zip file containing all the slides and worksheets from the workshop. [Here is a link](https://johngodlee.xyz/files/growth_workshop/seosaw_growth_wor kshop.zip)