50 - At the 9 sign. joneworlds@mailbox.org PJ is ticked off at me for messing up the deploy of his ogre sensors on the hill the other day. But it's not my fault the goblins are playing with them, or that I don't know how to reprogram them in fifth or whatever. Anyways, I'm back out there yesterday trying to fix them, and when I get done I hike out back to that path where I found the cars buried in the hill. And I continue on down that path for an hour into the bush, and this is new territory to me. Sometimes you got to explore. And then I see it. It's this little carved and painted wooden sign on a peg in the ground, and it has "1" etched into it. And how or why this came to be way out here, I can't say. I keep going on down the path, and sure enough there's a 2, 3, 4, and so on. And when I finally get to 9, I see there is one of those battery-powered tea lights sitting on top of it. Then I get this funny feeling, like this is somehow an important place. Barely there by the sign, is a track leading off the path and into the deeper woods. And then it starts, this high-pitched buzzing in my head. I wince and look over to the other side, and up there sitting on a branch is that old woman I saw that afternoon last month at the ball diamond washroom. And she's pointing down at me and laughing, "You don't know what to do! You don't know what to do!" And the buzzing gets louder and I grab my forehead in my hand. The buzzing stops, and when I look up, the old woman is gone. And I stand there a long while by the 9 sign, before I head on home.