63 - Now I'm a school teacher too. joneworlds@mailbox.org There's this elementary school over on Shellenstein Avenue, and I was supposed to test the back-flow assemblies there. And when I get there I'm talking to the principal for a little bit. And before I know it she's like, hey you want a job teaching grade one? And I'm like, uh, okay. And it's done, I'll do Fridays from now on. Now I'm super grateful for the opportunity, don't get me wrong, but bonkers, right? Hey, here's some stranger we just met with an obviously fake plumber's license and no teaching experience, let's put them in charge of our young children's' education. I mean, who does that? People around these parts, it's like they're totally unconcerned about almost everything. Well anyways, I hope these kids like word searches. And I even got to meet with the class a bit. It's interesting, the class is about a quarter elf kids. That surprises me, because none of the elfs around where I'm from in Braxon ever bothered to learn any homo-sap languages, much less send kids to homo-sap schools. Not that there were any real schools left there, and hardly any children either for that matter. I always thought those Braxon elfs saw learning homo-sap languages as somehow beneath them. But the elfs around Burloo are not the same as them. They're even a bit taller too, and their skin a bit purpler. Things are different around here. I'm still getting used to it. I think I'm even coming around to the waffles-for-every-meal thing.