The Factory. In my factory, we make ____________ (n1). Lots of and lots of __________(n1). We started off making __________(a) __________(n1), but after a few years, we switched to making only __________(a) ones. Our customers were __________(a) at first, but eventually, they felt __________(a) about the change. We have lots of great ideas for the future. What about a __________(n1) that even __________(animals) can enjoy? And for those __________(a) people who enjoy __________(v) __________(adv), we could make a __________(a) __________(n1). One day, we want everyone to own a __________(n1) - whether they are __________(a), __________(a), or __________(a). I Want to Sail Around the World. One day, let's sail around the world in a floating __________(n1). We'd better start planning! For such a __________(a) trip, we will need to pack __________(adv). Of course we'll need plenty of __________(n), and a few extra __________(n). And not the __________(a) ones -- only take the __________(a) ones! And just in case we encounter some __________(a) __________(n) on the trip, we'd better have a __________(n) to __________(v) them, or else our floating __________(n1) might go more __________(adv). The __________(n) on a __________(n1) are always breaking, so we'll be ready with a __________(a) __________(n) so we can fix it __________(adv). If we can remember all those things, we'll be ready. Digging a Hole. I was digging a hole out behind my house, and my shovel hit something __________(a). So I dug a bit more to get it out of the ground. Bad idea -- once I dug it out, a bunch of __________(a) __________(creatures) came __________(v) out of the hole! I __________(adv) got out of the way. Pretty soon, those __________(creatures) were __________(v) around everywhere, throwing __________(n) at the __________(n) and __________(v) onto any __________(n) they could find. By nighttime, the __________(creatures) started __________(v) __________(adv) at the moon, before they ran off somewhere else. They're gone for now, but I bet they'll be back tomorrow because they left their __________(n) behind! The Machine. I'm really happy that I own a __________(n1) making machine. I got a great deal on it at the __________(n) store -- it was the last one left! I always enjoyed having a __________(a) __________(n1) first thing in the morning before I __________(v), and now I can have that every day!. This __________(n1) maker is the deluxe model, because it can make __________(n1) __________(adv) and __________(adv). You should get one too! But whatever you do, don't forget to __________(v) the __________(n) before you start your __________(n1) maker. If you forget that, your __________(n1) will come out __________(a) and __________(a). The Dream. I had a dream the other night. I was in a __________(a) __________(place), and all around me were flying __________(n). They were __________(v) and __________(v) and I felt really __________(a)! So I ran off, until I was at __________(place). But they followed me there. I felt really __________(a). So I __________(v) at the __________(n1) until all the __________(a) __________(n1) were gone. Then I realized that my favorite __________(n) was missing - I must have left it back at the other place. But then I woke up. Good thing it was only a dream! Safety Plan. For safety, we should make a plan, just in case __________(a) __________(n1) try to get into our house. First -- let's not run out of __________(n2), because you can always get rid of a __________(n1) if you put a __________(n2) on it. Next -- let's make sure we all know how to __________(v1). I'll practice __________(v1) __________(adv), and you practice __________(v1) __________(adv), and that will come in handy in case the __________(n1) __________(v). Finally, we need to find the most __________(a) __________(n) that we can, and put it under the bed. But not a __________(a) one! Because those kind are useless against __________(n1) -- especially the __________(v) ones. Invented a Game. I invented a game. Let me tell you about it! All you need to play it is __________(number) __________(n1), a __________(a) __________(n2), and three __________(n3). First, put the __________(n2) on the ground. Then go we all go stand about __________(number) meters away from it and draw a line on the ground with a __________(n). Then we take turns: first __________(v), and then roll the __________(n3) __________(adv) towards the __________(n2). The player who gets closest to the __________(n2), wins three __________(n1). If that player can __________(v) one of those __________(n1) through a __________(n), they get a bonus __________(n). Then, we all go back to the line __________(adv) and try again.