Riding the bus. - joneworlds@mailbox.org The Reckoners run their flea-markets a few weeks every May, so I'm making that journey out to the country. There's a road-train out to there, but the station's across town, so I'm taking an auto-bus to there. When I get on the bus, I see the auto-driver's paint is peeling a lot. And his lower jaw is missing. So it's pretty creepy to hear him barking at me to pay up. "Please deposit fare immediately!" But his coin slot's busted, so I guess it's my lucky day. And I think his voice is stuck too, as it keeps repeating that over and over. They're really barely trying to keep these auto-busses running anymore. Kind of sad, really. "Please deposit fare immediately!" I go to sit, and I groan a bit inside. The only one on here except me is a giant lumper, one so big it takes up the entire back of the bus. And they're pretty chatty, so I know I'll have to talk, though I'm not in the mood. It's already wriggled an eye tentacle up to my face, and I can hear it jabbering already. Ah-la-la-go-du, ah-la-lo-ga-da? Ah-la-la? Ah-go-go. I go and sit as near as its big purple body allows. The auto-bus closes its door and sets out. "Please deposit fare immediately!" The lumpers are surely the most friendly kind, for better or worse. But I think they like to talk more than listen. I don't even know what it's saying, but it surely sounds invested in it. It's got two mouth tentacles and five eyestalks wiggling around right in front of my face, talking the whole trip. All I got to do is put in a few words of acknowledgment here and there, and it's good to keep going for another few minutes in its low rumbley voice. Ah-go-la, da-du-go-lo-ah-ah, da-da. Ah-go? "Please deposit fare immediately!" In about thirty minutes we're across town. The auto-bus pulls into the bay crooked and bumps into what's left of the shelter. And I get out, and somehow that lumper squeezes its gelatinous body out the door too. I turn to wave goodbye. Its main mouth on its body stretches out a wide open grin. And then about half its eye stalks wink all at once to me. "Please deposit fare immediately!" Its larger outer tentacles grab on the end of the auto-bus, and to my surprise it lifts it into the air with the front pointed up. The lumper's mouth stretches out wider than I thought it ever could, and it starts lowering the back of the bus into it, feeding on it. The fumes from its solvents make my eyes water. I shake my head and walk away to the road-train station. Well, I guess that bus was pretty old anyways. But still, there's only so many left by now. "Please deposit fa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa... zz .. zz"