So I wanted tahini, but didn't want to buy it. Also I didn't have sesame seeds. Here's a simple recipe for sunflower seedhini. Ingredients: 1. 2 cups of raw, unsalted sunflower seeds Recipe: 1. Preheat over to 350F 2. Spread out sunflower seeds on a baking tray. 3. Bake seeds at 350F for 10 minutes, then stir them, and continue baking for another ten minutes. 4. Remove seeds from the oven. They probably have some color. 5. Put seeds into a food processor and process for 30 minutes. The seeds will pass through different phases of processing. First, they will become granular. After the granular phase, the seeds will begin to clump into a ball. Finally, the ball will become a paste. 6. You're done. Sunflower seedhini is a tasty addition to any meal. Especially, as a snack with vegetables, spread on crackers, or as an ingredient in hummus.