All the writing I have ever published on the net has been about technical issues; how to use or set up certain kinds of software, programming, debugging, experiments with different OS's and services, etc. I think it's easier for me to talk about tech than personal issues or events. Problems to solve are more clear cut, there are correct answers. That's not always true in life. Another reason for avoiding personal content is the pervasive worry I have about how my information will be used, analysed, and purposed towards manipulation e.g. targetted advertising. But I'm not just a problem solver, a programmer, a nix geek. I guess there are more sides to myself that could use some expression, some outlet, and maybe here on gopher, on the Small Net, is a place that can happen. About a year ago, I friend of mine gave me some plants for my apartment. I don't decorate very much. They're still alive! I don't know much about them, what there names are or what kind of plants they are, but I give them some water, some sunlight, and they grow! It's so wonderful to see them sprout new leaves, to get taller and more robust. I love it. Having plants around is such a joy, I had no idea. Just a little care and consistent attention, and they get so happy. Sometimes I wonder if plants get lonely in their individual pots. Do they miss feeling other roots next to theirs? Other leaves and branches? Do they miss the wind and rain and insects? Do plants like to be touched? To hear birds chirping? I think they do. I brush their leaves of dust, feel their ridges and veins. I hope they enjoy being alive, even if they're in lonely seperate pots.